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never quit a band, mind you I've only ever been in one (with various members), but the best reason and only reason is, if it's not fun anymore (unless you do it for a living), but I will say this, if you feel like quitting give it a couple of days to calm down before announcing it


I think most quit bands because they joined the wrong band in the first place or the direction of the band changed so dramatically they no longer meet your band requirements.


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I don't think I've ever quit a band. However I've been in a few that simply fell apart. No structure, members on different pages, no real committment.


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I started a thread on this very topic a while back, it got some very interesting replies!

You are right Blue, the bands I have quit I shouldn't have bothered with in the first place.


I quit two bands because I seemed to be the only one who was doing my "homework" and coming to the rehearsal prepared. The others seemed to think that rehearsals were for learning material as opposed to the whole band tweaking or fine tuning what they learned in order for the band to be a tight unit. I put up with this for a while, but eventually got fed up looking at/listening to people working out parts at rehearsals, that they should have done before hand.


[quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1495824983' post='3306938']
I quit two bands because I seemed to be the only one who was doing my "homework" and coming to the rehearsal prepared. The others seemed to think that rehearsals were for learning material as opposed to the whole band tweaking or fine tuning what they learned in order for the band to be a tight unit. I put up with this for a while, but eventually got fed up looking at/listening to people working out parts at rehearsals, that they should have done before hand.

This has always been the main reason why I have quit bands. It's infuriating.


[quote name='blue' timestamp='1495824379' post='3306930']
I don't think I've ever quit a band. However I've been in a few that simply fell apart. No structure, members on different pages, no real committment.


You must have the patience of Job. ;) IMO life is too short for that kind of thing.


[quote name='blue' timestamp='1495823829' post='3306921']
I think most quit bands because they joined the wrong band in the first place or the direction of the band changed so dramatically they no longer meet your band requirements.



Posted (edited)

My only reason for quitting a band would be no gigs or not enough gigs.

For some, too many gigs is a reason for quitting. In my world there's no such thing as too many gigs.

It's why I always ask "how many gigs has the band played in the last 8 months prior to considering joining a band.


Edited by blue
Posted (edited)

[quote name='interpol52' timestamp='1495825220' post='3306941']

This has always been the main reason why I have quit bands. It's infuriating.

Unable to learn new material.

Yes, it happened to me. You would think I could spot this prior to joining.

Probably not a bad question;

"How do you guys learn new songs what's your process?"

If you don't get an answer that makes sense it's probably because they have no protocol for learning new material.


Edited by blue

[quote name='blue' timestamp='1495830560' post='3306991']
It's why I always ask "how many gigs has the band played in the last 8 months prior to considering joining a band.


Good job Bill Wyman was less insistent. :-)


I'm just about to quit a wedding/function band, because:
1) The guitarist.I HATE the way the guitarist plays. His attitude is terrible too. I can go into details on his playing - but in an effort to keep this post shortish, I won't!
2) we don't often practice as everyone knows the set and gig often. But, if we do practice, for a wedding or whatever, it's slack. The singer is staring at their phone whilst half arseing the vocals.
3) despite being the newest member, I do ALL the leg work, emails, calls and bookings. Over the last few months I've booked nothing as I've become disillusioned with it. My band mates actually moaned we didn't have any bookings, but none of them did anything about it!
4) The PA we use is terrible, but no one is willing to chip in for upgrades.

And finally, 5) I've had an offer from another band.

I suppose in summary, I want to be part of a professional outfit that sound and look good. Decent PA, lights, repertoire and great musicians. I worked hard to make my current band the premier functions outfit in our area; the rest of the band wanted it too, but don't want to work for it. Shame, as we've done some great gigs. But, an new opportunity has presented itself and I'll be about 75% less legwork for more of a reward... oh, and the guitarist knows knows how to play a diminished chord...

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Reasons for me include some of the same as above:
[*]Other members not knowing their parts at rehearsal.
[*]The band stagnating because no one wants to learn new material and the set list being the same for months.
[*]The band playing EVERY song too fast so that it doesn't groove or breathe. This also leads to people stumbling and falling over themselves and dropping the groove.


I think I've only ever quit two bands (others have folded by roughly mutual consent, people moved away, that kind of thing).

One (let's say Band A) I left as the guitarist turned out to be a thoroughly unpleasant person and the other (Band B ) I Ieft as I was in two bands at the time and couldn't keep up the commitment I though was needed.

Sadly the two bands were Band A and Band B so I quit Band B to spend more time on Band A.

Not the best chain of choices I've made - the experience of Band A put me off doing music for almost a year.

Band A have a level of success now.

So it goes.


I've quit a few over the years :D

The first time it was because it finally dawned on me that we weren't going to "make it". It turned me into a bit of an arse and the guitarist and I ended up at each others throats. I finally left because our friendship was more important to me. And I had just met my future wife and I kind of new I would be moving away to live with her at some point!

The last band I quit was because I put in over 12 months and we never managed to get a working line up. It was heart breaking really because it's something I really wanted to do...just couldn't find the right people :(


never quit band, but refused to join a band I auditioned for.

They were an original punk band in the 80s

first jam they played me their originals

second jam I was the only one that knew their songs lol

I refused to play the party they formed for lol


I just quit a band this weekend because the band leader has recently felt compelled to record his every pant-wetting squelchy fart and send it to me via WhatsApp.
I'm just too old for that sh!t. Pun intended.


I quit a few months ago because we were on different pages. The guitarist and I wanted to be a "dual band", a function band band in hotel lounges and bars, and an originals band in local scene bars. The singer had no desire to work in a function band, but wasn't very convincing about willing to prepar original material at home too. The drummer said he would follow what the band decides but his networking skills are zero. Besides he and the guitarist had a personal issue going on. Additionally, drummer and singer weren't doing their homework properly lately.
As it was a "democratic" band and I had no right to fire anybody, I decided to quit. The band broke in a couple days. Now, the guitarist and I run a semi -acoustic project.

tl; dr
People without similar goals or willing to put effort


The only bands I can remember quitting were too far away and the driving time and petrol money became an issue. I try not to join bands I feel I won't enjoy playing with.


I left after we had 3 gigs booked whist I was on holiday, I arranged a deep who did a great job but no one got paid apart from the pothead stoner of a guitarist/ frontman who obviously needed the money to pay off his debts.
He kept the lot. He was complete paranoid, spending loads on security cameras for the outside of his house because he thought his neighbour ( a pensioner) was an ex SAS soldier who wanted to kill him 😳
Luckily the dep had the sense to go round to his house with some mates and threaten to take his gear as part payment of the debt.
Strangely enough he got paid in full that night, when I found out I left there and then, followed by the rest of the band who still haven't been paid.


Most recently, I left a band I'd only just joined because I suddenly realised that the material made me feel old. I'm only 59.

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