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Flatwound or Roundwound? I can't decide

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Can you still get strings that are a bit of both? I recall getting ajob lot of Rickenbacker strings on eBay years ago and a couple of the sets were something like 'groundwound' or similar name which were a sort of hybrid.


[quote name='bazztard' timestamp='1497758323' post='3320387']
the obvious answer is buy another P, put flats on one, rounds on the other . It's the only way I could resolve the issue hehe :)
[/quote][quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1497776050' post='3320449']
I keep changing from one to the other, each has its advantages...as advised, you need more basses, so you can have the choice without constantly changing strings!
[/quote][quote name='MoJo' timestamp='1497721901' post='3320268']
I play in a pub covers band and can't make up my mind whether I prefer flat or roundwound strings on my P-bass. I've been swapping back and forth between gigs and am still non the wiser. I'm thinking that rounds are a better all rounder (excuse the pun) for the variety of material that we cover, but I love the feel and the warmth of the flats.
Has anyone else suffered this dilemma and what did you do?

There's no need to have to choose between Flats or Rounds or tho lug two basses, just buy a set of Half-Rounds and you'll have the best of both worlds, the smooth feel of flats with a bit of zing of rounds. ;)


Half rounds don't fell right under the fingers to me. D'Addario Chromes, which are flats, are bright enough, unless you're a slap pervert, of course.

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