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Every now and then I stumble across things that other players have been using for years and swear by but its either stubbornness , scepticism, wind blowing the wrong way or I don't what, that prevents me from taking what could be sound advise.

Couldn't get my usual strings so gave these a go and........will be using these a lot more. Like all the time.
About £21.00 quid a set so more than I'm used to paying. I tried some of the expensive brands before and although many swear by them I wasn't that blown away, so went back to using cheap sets and changing them at least once a week, as I gig most weekends.

The D'addarios however..

For me, I found they improved and enhanced my tone, and feel great to play. Felt a little weird at first and I had to check the G was the correct gauge as it felt too thin. The tension is probably a bit less than what I was using so that was also a not sure moment.
After the first 5 mins however, once they settled down..really good.
I usually kill a set of strings dead in a gig, particularly in this hot sweaty weather but this one set did a Thursday rehearsal and a Friday and Saturday gig and still good after that. Might of lost a little bit of zing but not totally dead.
I'm very impressed so far so thought I would share this new found love for D'addario strings.

I've been very sceptical of the hype that surrounds strings before especially when trying new things that pop up from time to time. I end up unimpressed and feel its a waste of time ,money and effort, and back off to the cheap sets I go. But not this time.

If you like nickle wounds but haven't tried them yet I can recommend you give em a go.


My favourite strings, and I've tried most over the years. Always come back to these,
last a good time for me and love the tone / feel. EXL170's suit me just fine.


[quote name='casapete' timestamp='1497864282' post='3320886']
My favourite strings, and I've tried most over the years. Always come back to these,
last a good time for me and love the tone / feel. EXL170's suit me just fine.

Same here, although these days use the balanced tension sets as i find them a bit more comfortable.


I've tried lots and jeep coming back to D'Addario, for the last couple of years I've had their half rounds (ENR72 50-105) on my two gigging basses. I can't get on with a light tension (bicker about that tension/compliance thing amongst yourselves please) and love the heavier feel and slightly dead round sound these have. I like played in rounds and these have that sound straight out the packet and stay that way for as long as you're happy to keep them on the bass.


[quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1497891641' post='3321170']
I do like nickels but I find they take away some of the single coil sound/magic.
[/quote]having tried the nickels im keen to check what else they have. what do you use for the single coil magic?


Best strings on the market bar none. Used to use Flexsteels but now discontinued so I'm back on the Prosteels.


You must have read my mind before I wrote in it. I've tried pretty much every make of string and find whether I love them or not depends on the bass. At one point I had a Hohner 6 that I had to buy a hotel room for when i showed it Overwater strings, they sounded so good together. At the same time I had a Peavey Grind 5 that sounded great with D'Addario nickels. But one day I went mad and swapped them over and they didn't sound near as good on the other bass.

But over time I have become a total D'Addario fan boy: EXL170s and the Chromes flats . For me the right tension, build quality, longevity and sound. But YMMV.


been using D'Addario nickel rounds since 1979.

have tried various other strings, but I keep coming back to these. Great bottom end, they settle down quickly and stay in tune afterwards. They maintain their tone after the intial zing for ages. I think I've had one dud set in all these years.

I heard they just went up, shame coz they've been great value throughout my gigging life. Especially if you buy the twin packs online.

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