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I had to do roughly the same when I depped a few years back. 24 is a lot, so break them down into batches:

Songs you already know how to play roughly
Songs you know but don`t know how to play
Songs you don`t know at all

Then put a schedule together for cracking on with them. Prioritise those you don`t know obviously, and if 5 days in there are any you really can`t crack tell the band asap, see if there are any other songs in their rep that can be swapped in instead.

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Yes - I agree with the other posts
I'd actually pick out 4 or 5 really tricky ones, either in terms of virtuosity or complexity, and then go back to the band and ask them to drop at least one of these..
Then you'll have a more manageable workload!
Good luck, and of course it will all help with improving your ear and your playing in the future.

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[quote name='Yank' timestamp='1500116659' post='3335715']
I need to learn 24 new songs in 7 days for a gig. Got them on CD last night. Wish me luck.

Like they used to say in the eighties' aerobic exercise videos... "Go for the burn!"

Good luck. Let us know how it goes?

Disclaimer; Despite the implication, the author does not admit to watching Jane Fondle VHS tapes for any purpose other than research.

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I thought i was doing well with 16 in 6 weeks! Now I have to do it all over again because we need to double the set length for the next gig. I'm feeling better about it now after seeing your task!

On the plus side my playing and technical ability has come on leaps and bounds since I joined the band!

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That's hard going.
Did 34 songs in 3 weeks and i struggled with that.
Played the gigs and found we only played around 20 of them.
All the best with the gig and let us know how you got on.............Good or Bad :lol:

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I once had to learn 4/5 songs in an afternoon for an impromptu recording session later that day. Thing is, I was told about it when I didn't actually have my bass to hand, so I had to kind of learn the songs through listening on YouTube only until I could get home and physically play them. None of the songs were all crazy difficult and I have a good ear so it all turned out fine in the end. Not perfect, but certainly passable. Looking back it was really quite a fun experience.

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I just did 40 songs for my current band in 3 weeks and only one rehearsal before the first gig. I ended up playing off hastily scribbled chord charts. It's not my first choice having a music stand in front of me but needs must. I still got caught out once or twice with different arrangements I didn't know about and we hadn't rehearsed. It's all character building :-D

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Excellent. I've managed to make a dent in the 35 tunes I have to play in 4 weeks time. A shed load of them are 3 chord wonders. Happy days. A shed load of them I've never heard of before though. Not so happy days.

Edited by TimR
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Someone I knew asked me to dep at a posh restaurant gig and sent me 45 songs to knock off in just over a week. There were a lot I'd never played before. What made it worse was that on the night (2 x 60 min set) we played a total of 7 from the list and the rest were others he just chucked at me on the fly to improvise around. I was a bit of a wreck by the end of the night but we got paid and no one died. We're still mates but I've never depped for him since.

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Hey, Blue. Not "Teen Town". Genre is "red dirt Americana", some 1-4-5, but a lot with w***y chord structure, so not "mustang sally" either. Beyond chord structure, you have to keep your antennae up for things in the arrangement like dropping down dynamically or dropping out in spots, double turn arounds, punching certain notes, etc.

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