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I've been playing for a year and have learnt to play fingerstyle. Not really sure why but I guess that I should be be able to play with a pick, but no matter how often I try, it just doesn't feel right, whereas fingers do.

I'm expecting lots of 'practice, practice practice' comments but it's just not happening for me.

I went to a local festival last weekend and 6 bassists from 8 of the bands that I saw played with a pick. Is there any shame in not being able to?

Or should I forget about it, crack on and play the way I feel most comfortable?

BTW I've never played guitar...


Crack on, don't worry about it - it wasn't too long ago the shoe was firmly on the other foot, and pick players were looked down on...thankfully we've all moved on... :)


[quote name='clunkie66' timestamp='1500907299' post='3340981']

Or should I forget about it, crack on and play the way I feel most comfortable?


This. You can spend the extra practice time doing something more useful.


Although I can play with a pick (I migrated from guitar), I now hardly ever do. Even the songs that I used to think needed a pick, either for the sound or the speed, I now play finger style.

So enjoy playing your way, and if some day you are drawn to the plectrum, give it another go then.


[quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1500908412' post='3340991']
Although I can play with a pick (I migrated from guitar), I now hardly ever do. Even the songs that I used to think needed a pick, either for the sound or the speed, I now play finger style.

So enjoy playing your way, and if some day you are drawn to the plectrum, give it another go then.

One of the reasons why I thought I should be able to play with a pick is faster stuff, but I guess if Steve Harris gallops with fingers then there's hope for me yet... :D


I can't play with a pick, on the odd song where I think it would sound a lot better played with one I use a phantom one, what I mean is I pretend I'm holding a plectrum and my nails kinda give a pick like tone :yarr:


Never been able to do it in 30+ years of playing - always sounds like crap, especially when trying to get the picking hand muting down.

I'm just happier playing fingerstyle, and thankfully both of the bands I play in aren't leaning on me to play with a pick :)


I am only half decent with a pick after 27 years of playing and pretty much refused to play with a pick for at least 15 of these years. I would rather be a fingerstyle only than a pick only player if I had to choose, but taste is personal so who cares right? Botton line is that it doesn't matter as long as you lock with the drummer.


Start with some easy songs, by status quo or ZZ Top, or whatever. Then once you've got the hang of simple stuff you can try more difficult songs.


I can'r play with a pick to save my life. At uni it was one the techniques I really struggled with, once in an exam it flew out of my fingers and landed at the examiner's feet :).

I admire people like Anthony Jackson who are great pick players.


I had to make the change from finger style (played that way for 40 years) to pick early last year when a motorcycle accident left me unable to use my right hand properly. I would say it has taken me a year to become comfortable with a pick, now I don't really notice it and my playing sounds very similar, but with a bit more definition, which I like.


I've never been comfortable with a pick, never been able to get the same speed as I can with just my fingers. As for tone, no one has ever complained and with the right fingering (oo-err) you can getting a picky sound anyway. Go with whatever is comfortable for you, if you want to put the time in to learning then do so, but it's not the be all and end all


[quote name='clunkie66' timestamp='1500907299' post='3340981']
I'm expecting lots of 'practice, practice practice' comments but it's just not happening for me.


If it doesn't excite you then unless you need to learn how to do it, I'd not lose too much sleep - because practice is the only way to nail it !

I can't slap - I could learn, but I've never felt the need for it so I've never put in the effort.


I can't play finger style very well, could learn with practice but I'm not motivated enough because most of my bass player influences play with a pick, if you just want to learn for the sake of it I wouldn't bother, no point in getting upset about it most people prefer one way or the other and when I've seen bass players switching between the two live there's not that much difference, Joe Public certainly wouldn't notice it, now where's that tin hat?

  • 4 weeks later...

Definitely with the what works for you crowd as I kind of have the opposite story - I refused to play with a pick as wanted to be a 'proper' bassist and learn fingerstyle, then a few nights ago just went for it with a pick and loved it! My rhythm, precision and tone all transformed. Wondered why I hadn't done it before...

Posted (edited)

I started to play bass with a pick, mainly because my underpowered amp just wasn't loud enough to compete with a drumkit at the time and it was the only way to get more volume (teenage money woes).

Decades later, I decided it was something I should get back into, in order to increase my tonal palette - as it were.

I bought a couple of large felt picks, that are specifically made for bass players. They are much easier to use than itty bitty guitar picks and because they are made of felt don't fly out of your hand when you get sweaty.

I bought them off ebay and they're £2.99 for 4 [url="https://www.ebay.co.uk/i/272639799836?chn=ps&dispItem=1&adgroupid=46395905027&rlsatarget=pla-326110883982&abcId=1129006&adtype=pla&merchantid=101727777&poi=&googleloc=9046884&device=c&campaignid=862328541&crdt=0"]https://www.ebay.co....62328541&crdt=0[/url]

Edited by gjones

I've pretty much been exclusively fingerstyle for the last 30+ years. Occasionally I get the urge to expand out into pick playing and can play ok with one but not as well and I find (due to lack of practice) that my wrist aches after a while. I'd make more effort but haven't ever found anything played on a pick that I can't play finger style and a quick play with the 'knobs' can dial the sound in if necessary (having longer nails also helps here).

I respect pick players but don't get too upset about not being especially proficient myself.


years ago I used to cut my nails so short that I wouldn't let any pickyness come from my fingers when playing finger style. nowadays i feel confident enough to allow my nails to grow a bit more and I can play soft on the pads when I want but then angle my hand back and strike the strings a bit like a flamenco player when I want more of a pick sound. There's no right or wrong, as long as it sounds good.

  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

I've recently started playing with a pick after about 12 years of finger style and slap.
The sound you get is totally different and the whole feeling of playing bass changes, I especially love the sound of palm muted picking, it sounds amazing for funk.
If you don't love it though I don't see any reason to practice using one.
The thing that made me want to keep practicing (it sounded rubbish at first, like all techniques in the beginning) was this one YouTube video where the guy plays a similar Bassline on different precision basses, but also using different playing styles (you may have seen it).
After seeing that I just felt "I want to be able to do that!" and that video has kept me going.
I also bought a precision as well, no regrets.
Pick at 1.54

This guy, Patrick Hunter, is also a phenomenal pick player.

Edited by Leebass

[quote name='clunkie66' timestamp='1500907299' post='3340981']
. . . . should I forget about it, crack on and play the way I feel most comfortable?

You can use a pick but you don't have to.

Pick or fingers? As long as your tone is good and you can play the songs well then neither is better or worse.

Posted (edited)

I cant use a pick either, shame because I really like the tone but every time I try it feels like trying to swim with boots on or trying to eat noodles with a knife, i'm sure someone can offer a better analogy than these but basically it just feel awkward and clumsy

Edited by markdavid

Much the same, playing with a pick just feels so alien. I've tried, but I've never been able to attain the same speed as I can with my fingers. Maybe it the old adage "Practice more you numpty"

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