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I have just acquired a TB500 head and am looking into cabs to pair it with. I tried it with an old Peavey 410 when I bought it that sounded great and have used it at rehearsal with a similar 410 (maybe a Behringer)
I want a cab that can do the job without PA support in smaller venues but also have a presence on a larger stage. Ideally I want just one cab (I currently use a mag 210 combo and mag 115 extension cab) so maybe a 410 but not one that weighs a tonne! The head can switch between 4 and 8 ohms and still deliver 500w I believe.
Here are some options I have been looking at;
Ashdown RM-410-EVO Rootmaster 600W
Ashdown ABM 410H Classic
Gallien Krueger CX 410 400W
Orange OBC 410 - might be a bit out of my price range
Eden EX410 Bass

I am looking to keep to £500 or lower and am happy to buy used. Any help/suggestions would be appreciated.


Posted (edited)

Used the TB500 paired with a Barefaced Midget and Compact. They sounded brilliant together. For me the Compact would do that job on its own.

Edited by itsmedunc
Posted (edited)

I will shortly be selling my TB500 and Barefaced Compact. Fantastic combo and really gets the most out of the Amp - super clean and loud sound. Will be posting pictures and prices for both soon.

Edited by CJPJ

I use mine with a pair of Ampeg SVT210AVs in a vertical stack. Cheap and lightweight, although I would probably swap them for a pair of Barefaced Retro 210s given the chance! The great thing about a vertical stack like this is it takes up hardly any room on stage, you get speakers firing at your ears as well as your knees, and it's supposed to be better for dispersion than side by side placement of a typical 410. Downside is it's an accident waiting to happen if the band or the crowd are a bit rowdy! Maybe I should invest in some guy ropes...


I recently got a TC Electronics K212 to use with mine (downsized from a Warwick 4x10 & Hartke HA3500 rig). It's done one gig, and all good and loud so far, with another gig this weekend. At the end of September I'm playing a big room at a sports and social club with decent PA support. I'm sure the 2x12 will be enough.


Looking at your videos you guys don't seem to be thrashing or playing at stupid volumes.

From what I've heard of your band I'd say you could easily be able to replace all your current cabs with a Barefaced cab. You'll be lighter, louder, clearer and generally have a great tone. IMO IME you'd sound better than with anything on that list of 410's.


hiho,Long term OTB500 user .I use an SP212 for small spaces at gigs and practice and an OBC 115.
i have used other cabs but nothing beats the Orange ones IMO..
i USE THE obc115 most of the time now but I used the SP212 for years on it,s own but I have the option of using both cabs if needed which gives a huge sound.
They are very underated amps but there is a lot of happy users .Our dirty little secret.


Thanks for all the replies. I think if a single smaller cab can do the job then I should have a look into the OBC 115 and 212's. From what I've read they are still pretty heavy cabs and the isobaric cab is outperformed by other 112's??

Posted (edited)

I wasn't a fan of the isobaric cabs - very heavy, not much clarity, and they take a lot of power to drive. Only thing going for it was that it was very small with incredible amounts of low end.

Edited by dannybuoy


I here barefaced cabs mentioned a lot but have no experience of them. What might a used cab cost? Also how does the 2 x 10 differ from the supertwin. Excuse my newbness!


Well, I am probably not best placed to answer these questions I am afraid as I have only ever used single speaker Barefaced cabs - first, some years ago now, I bought a Compact, then I added a Midget, which kind of tightened up the sound a bit. Then, looking for a 'one cab solution' I replaced these with a Supercompact, which really does actually sound like the first two played together. I am not sure how a Supercompact, which is a 1 x 12, compares with the other speakers you mention but I couldn't be happier with what I get out of mine. Secondhand, one would set you back £450 +/- .


The Super Twin, Super Compact, Midget etc are all pretty "clear" speakers - pretty much no colouring to the tone, whereas the 210/410/610 of the Retro series are more vintage voiced. If looking for super-clarity and crisp highs the former are the better bet. Whereas if looking for classic rock sounds, or Motown warmth then the Retros are great.


I had my Terrorbass hooked up to an Orange 1 x 12 Isobaric and I wasn't impressed. I use it with the Barefaced Compact and its brilliant. In terms of prices, when I get the time to take pictures and list mine, I will be looking for £400 for my Compact and £300 for the TB500.

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