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Posted (edited)

Pretty much every band I've felt strongly enough about to hate I've come around to liking, or at least apreciating, in the end.

On the other hand, indifference lasts for ever.

Edited by Cato

A bit of IMHO type of question. If pushed then it is virtually any famous boyband from New Kids On The Block to Westlife and everything in between and associated with before and after


Radiohead, don't get them at all, Muse, guaranteed to get me reaching for the power switch, and........

The Beatles, I appreciate voodoo dolls of me will get big spikes in them, but I don't rate them. They just leave me cold, whereas the Kinks don't half the credit they deserve. I can't deny their popularity but they aren't for me.


I know that this isn't something you should admit on a bass guitar forum, but I have never enjoyed listening to Rush and I never will.

Terrific musicianship but I just can't stand the sound of Geddy's voice.


Has to be Oasis for me.

Granted I wasn't into them in their heyday, and therefore I've only ever known them as the staple diet of a million pub cover bands ever since.

Closely followed by Kings of Leon, for much the same reasons (tho i did see them live in their heyday and still thought they were pretty dull).


[quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1505251843' post='3370588']

...agreed, except for The Doors.

Include U2

Yes, f@#ing U2! Without a doubt the most obnoxious and overrated band of all time.


+1 to U2, although some of their early stuff was good; then they seemed to start believing their own hype...

Also never understood the boy band thing, this started a long time ago when the Bay City Rollers were the 'biggest band in the world' before it was someone else's turn; although I don't think boy bands receive the attention they do on their musical merits...

Now, my contribution would be The Who. Although I love JE's basslines and what he could do with a bass, I have never understood how or why this band were so popular. They had a couple of big hits that rightly still get played today, but the rest of their stuff was very different to these and mediocre at best. There were a lot of bands that no-one remembers doing very similar stuff at the time. Maybe I'm just a bit too young to appreciate the state the country was in at the time which was the backdrop for this music being written.


The Rolling Stones. They have enough good songs to fill a greatest hits cd but that's hardly enough to warrant the 'greatest rock band of all time' thing being thrown around.


[quote name='Osiris' timestamp='1505281109' post='3370644']
Bruce Springsteen.
Second rate pub singer at best.

I just dont get Bruce either. Could someone explain please?
Great performer, songwriter and all round good bloke agreed, but legend?? How?? I read his biography and enjoyed it and it took me a bit closer to him, but legend`???

Posted (edited)

So far, the only ones I can agree with are Bruce Spunkstain & The Smiths. I don't get the mass appeal of either of them. Oh, & boy/girl bands. They're just there for the kids.

The rest on the list have started with either a great set of songs in their early career (U2, Muse, Oasis, though I really can't stand Oasis, their first album was great back in the 90s) or went on to write some great or innovative songs.

What you have to look at is what sort of music was out there before they came along & what impact they had on future songwriting.
Come the 90s, I felt like a lot of the new bands wanted to sound like U2. Many of these bands went on to be quite big. Coldplay being one of them & I don't really get what the hype is with them. They're okay, but they're hardly innovative. How they ended up bigger than Keane, I'll never know.

The biggest one to fit this for me is Jay-Z. I loved hiphop & rap up until about the mid 00s & I bought a double album of his which was getting hype. It was so crap that I took it back. Surely he's only famous due to his connections?

Edited by xgsjx

[quote name='T-Bay' timestamp='1505249231' post='3370563']
Radiohead, don't get them at all, Muse, guaranteed to get me reaching for the power switch, and........

The Beatles, I appreciate voodoo dolls of me will get big spikes in them, but I don't rate them. They just leave me cold, whereas the Kinks don't half the credit they deserve. I can't deny their popularity but they aren't for me.

IMHO you are completely wrong about Radiohead, but I can understand anyone not getting them.

Muse were a band I quite enjoyed, but they are doing a bit of a U2 "dissapearing up their own A" thing

I completely agree about the Fab 4 and the Kinks. Most of The Beatles stuff is inane, uninteresting and derivitive. They were prolific and by the law of probability they did a few good things.

My addition Bryan Adams, twee rock pop that my mum would not object to.


[quote name='Spaced' timestamp='1505259743' post='3370631']
The Rolling Stones. They have enough good songs to fill a greatest hits cd but that's hardly enough to warrant the 'greatest rock band of all time' thing being thrown around.
'The Greatest Rock'n'Roll Band In The World'? Ballcocks. What they are is 'The Luckiest Pub Band In The World'.


I never used to get the Smiths, but having heard them recently I see what the fuss was about a lot more now. I think you would only really connect with their music if you were a certain kind of person: awkward, sensitive, maybe slightly lonely and young in a dreary british town somewhere, into things like literature and poetry.

That's a massive generalisation, but it's safe to say your average 80s yuppie twat blasting out Level 42 in their Escort XR3i as they sell another property and pick up some 'bird' in Bromley High Street is unlikely to find much of value in the music of the Smiths.


It's easy to make a list of bands that one doesn't like and call them overrated. One needs to look at bands that you do like and then judge whether they deserve all the plaudits that they receive. I'm not a fan of the bands that came out of the '60s, despite growing up with them. However, these same bands did alter the course of music at the time, so perhaps they do deserve more recognition than they're actual talent suggests.

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