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It'd be fantastic to meet some basschatters (and their basses!)

I'd be happy to help organise something. I live near Bicester, just off the M40, halfway between London and Birmingham. So a reasonably accessible spot, I suppose...

I have a nice old Bohemian hatpeg and a KK baby bass that I can bring to the party, along with an AI coda amp and a Nadine mic.

Let me know if you're willing and able and we'll have a think about potential dates and venues.

Posted (edited)

Bassace is the person you should talk to, as he has organised the previous ones, and I'm sure he'll be glad for some help. He was at the South East Bash, so he may not have seen this thread yet. :)

Oh, forgot to mention Owen too - he's worked wth Bassace on the previous meetups.

Edited by bluejay

Good suggestion, Bro. We had one last year so perhaps a spring 2018 DB Bash would chime with the every-two-years fixture. The trick is to find a suitable venue that caters for a good number of attendees. We've had it twice at Derby which suits quite a few but it does tend to exclude North/Scotland and the South. Perhaps somewhere near Bicester or a bit more south might give the southerners a crack. So something to think about.

The other thing, I'm not in the best of health right now, since June actually, so my horizons are a bit narrow as is the amount I can help with. Owen was my very capable and enthusiastic co-conspirator last year and it would be great if he could continue with his involvement. It would be nice to stay in the loop a bit; I could always consider a small contribution.


I am always happy to garner praise for this event. Nothing makes me happier in life than kudos for doing absolutely nothing at all. I breathed the idea once and then Roger did all the work.

However, if we want another one and Roger is on light duties (sorry to hear that Roger) for now then we could all pile in. All it takes is a reasonable function room and enough of us to make it there. Bicester has been mentioned. When you live where I live everywhere is far away so Bicester it shall be unless someone comes up with a better idea. Any venues in particular Brother?

Posted (edited)

Thanks for all the encouraging comments. I'll drop Owen and Roger a PM, see what can be arranged. If anyone else has any preferences about when, where or whatever, it'd be great to hear from you...

Just by way of an afterthought - what type of venue works best? I'm guessing a big old conference hall with a dozen or more basses thudding away wouldn't be the ideal choice, so perhaps something with a big communal room and some smaller rooms off to the side...? Any suggestions gratefully received.

Edited by Brother Malvis

From my very limited experience of DB bashes, volume levels tend to be pretty sensible which means that it is possible to do it all in one big room.

Furthermore, attendance numbers are likely to be far smaller than, say, the SouthEast BassBash. Having people disappearing off into side rooms will make the event itself feel deserted and "a failure" even if it's not.

If I was organising this, I'd go for one big room.


If we're going to go to that level of detail (which would actually be rather a good idea), then don't forget that double doors or oversized single doors will be far more DB-friendly.

Low ceilings should probably be avoided.

Exquisite, highly-polished dance floors don't take kindly to a bunch of DB spikes being drilled into them.

Empty DB cases take up a surprising amount of room.


Rural Scotland has vast empty spaces ideally suited for all large gathering of double basses and their respective cases and vehicles (plus players). The spikes are free to jab away at the mossy underfoot. The humidity is pretty high so overheating cracks and splits will be successfully avoided. Ideal. Just bring wellies and cometh up here, I'll put the kettle on...


[quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1506417607' post='3378508']
Can you lay on extra midges if I ask nicely?
Difficult time of the year but if we pay them overtime they may agree to an extra outing. Should be ok.


[quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1506458998' post='3378957']
I'd be interested in attending another bash and don't mind travelling a bit so Bicester would be fine with me, might give me inspiration to practice more!? :D

Ahhhhh ... Bicester.

[size=2](You need to be a certain age to get that.)[/size]


You can take it from me that I'll be coming but everything else is a bit sketchy right now. I have a severe lung infection, my right lung is full of green gunge and breathing isn't easy. I'm glad I made it to the bass Bash last Sat but I'm a bit useless right now.

I now realise who Bro Malvis is; I lent him my bass at a gig last year. He is a great guy, full of enthusiasm so do what you can to get behind him.

Posted (edited)

I am thinking about another trip to the UK in 2018 and would be interested in attending a bass bash-I've read about them and seen the pics on here.I play a Yamaha SLB 200 and have been a member here for a few years and an event like this would be a real high point in the trip so keep us informed re date/location,it sounds like a great time.If I actually get there it could be described as an "international" bass bash.
Hats off to the organizers!

Bob in Canada

Edited by Staggering on

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