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So I gave a band member both barrels..............

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I have no time for band members who don't update their availability. I insist that all the guys in our band update the Google calendar every time they find out that they're not available for any date / dates. I do all the bookings pretty much, although everyone in the band is perfectly able to book gigs, and I always use the calendar as the guide to our availability. If someone doesn't keep it up to date and I take a booking then they either have to cancel their other plans, arrange a dep or contact the client and explain why we can't do it. If I'm going to bust my hump keeping us busy then I'm not having them mess me about.
If i was in the OPs position I would be mighty hacked off but experience has taught me to sleep on things first. You also have to assess the individual member's worth to the band. If the drummer is a great player and a real asset to the band then I'd have to bite my lip but if he's nothing overly special and a serial offender I'd be inclined to give it to him straight.


I don't think you were that harsh. It looks like the problem is bigger than this one time so I reckon move on. I think he is a bit sensitive here. However, if you might be cutting your nose off to spite your face, I'd meet and talk it through.

[quote name='police squad' timestamp='1506436685' post='3378722']It's a shame because he is actually a very good drummer (even though he doesn't really listen to the bass) [/quote]

Um!?! :huh:


I had a similar issue with a guitarist. Great player, decent guy but no mobile phone and getting hold of him was murder. In the end I gave him one of my older ones and told him to get a Tesco sim card for it.

Fast forward 2 months and he still hadn`t got a sim card for it. Which was very annoying as his wife worked in....Tesco!!

You just cant win with some people.


[quote name='police squad' timestamp='1506434502' post='3378694']
Was I too harsh? Probably but my job is very demanding and running a band (as many of you know) is a thankless task.


I think you're last sentence in the band communique was unnecessary and could have been put different to prick consciences rather than raise hackles, and your demanding job is irrelevant, you can either do the band leaders job or you can't.


I think you are totally right, get rid. The loose band members over gig availability are always the ones who never actually get off their arse and put a gig in,.

You may not have crossed the t's and dotted the I's by not putting it on the website (though that doesn't seem a great model for the actual band members diary) but for someone to get that information, send a thumbs up to acknowledge it and then not do anything with that information ? Beggars belief.

As you say this is not the first time he's messed up his diary. Even Stewart Copeland would be use whatsoever if he isn't there.



It's easier than ever to ensure everyone stays informed. I have a busy job yet still manage to take a couple of minutes to update song suggestions and rehearsal dates on our shared Google Sheets.
I do wonder if being a cluster**k like the drummer mentioned is a choice and he's being awkward for the sake of it.
I'm sure you'll find someone more suitable.


So he quits at the drop of a hat? Didn't offer to try and rearrange whatever it was he'd double booked. Can't keep a diary. Doesn't call you to try and apologise when he's upset you.

His heart's not in it and your email was just the straw that broke the camel's back.


[quote name='jezzaboy' timestamp='1506451966' post='3378894']
I had a similar issue with a guitarist. Great player, decent guy but no mobile phone and getting hold of him was murder. In the end I gave him one of my older ones and told him to get a Tesco sim card for it.

Fast forward 2 months and he still hadn`t got a sim card for it. Which was very annoying as his wife worked in....Tesco!!

You just cant win with some people.

Buy the SIM card for him and then deduct it out of his share of your next gigs money, job done.


[quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1506451791' post='3378892']
You're the 'Sting' in a Police tribute band. Take the next logical step - form a Sting solo band :P

Hmm, the Sting in a Police tribute band having issues with the drummer. Well that`s really putting the effort into being as much like the original band as possible then.


I had a thing where I had mentioned the gig and it hadn't been put in the calendar, which I have no write access too, but when we got to that we tried to sort it (in the end it didn't work out). Ours is pretty collaborative, if it is in the calendar it is getting done, but if it hasn't been put in the calendar accidentally then we will try and work round it but I wouldn't be annoyed if someone couldn't do it.
But it sounds like you had previous history anyway and were about ready to do that, so probably just as well, those frustrations can really eat at you after a while.


In these times of smart phones, that update all your diaries for you, there's no excuse for not remembering a gig. Even when a gig is just pencilled in, I'll update my diary and get it confirmed at a later date.

If this kind of thing is an ongoing situation, with your drummer, then I don't think you came on too strong.


Reading your post, what has happened is partly down to both of you. Doing band admin is a thankless and tiresome task.
You didn't put the gig on the website and he didn't pay attention and note his diary at the time he was told about it.
A shame it has gone as far as it has over small goofs.


[quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1506444984' post='3378819']
But how do you know if your free? I know when I'm not free so that's fine I can tell you that.

Whatsapp group, "gig on date x everyone free?" yes or no gets replied to quick enough.

I've got too many hobbies which could result in a last minute booking to clear my diary for the band.

Sometimes, stingrayPete1977, I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion :)


Posted (edited)

I've made every gig and every rehearsal for the last 6 years, and we were doing 65-70 shows annually.

Music / gigs come first in my life, anything personal I cancel.


Edited by blue
Posted (edited)

[quote name='blue' timestamp='1506466987' post='3379008']
I've made every gig and every rehearsal for the last 6 years, and we were doing 65-70 shows annually.

Music / gigs cone first in my life, anything personal I cancel.


Gee man, that second statement is strong.

I'm married, but if I made the same statement, I would certainly be alone 😢😢😢

Edited by steantval

I can't believe you rely on a Facebook page to notify each other about gigs. Really?

A group text message not easy enough?

to quote George Costanza "we're a SOCIETY"

talk to each other ffs


Reminds me of a situation I was in with a band - we had been together for about 5 years but increasingly there was friction between me and the singer. Our last gig was one of his mates' birthday party where we had been promised food (I had the email still), no food materialised and he denied saying there would be food. If I don't eat I get very grumpy and we ended up having a finger pointing session just before starting the gig. As I recall I threatened to throw him off the fire escape. :) Next morning I was about to quit when my sacking email arrived! No food was just an issue that tipped it over the edge, it could have equally been the colour of his socks or the way I had rolled up my shirtsleeves. This sounds like a similar iceberg of resentment.


[quote name='bazztard' timestamp='1506488794' post='3379027']
I can't believe you rely on a Facebook page to notify each other about gigs. Really?

A group text message not easy enough?

I don't use facebook, but I would trust facebook events if that was the way we did it. I certainly wouldn't use a group text message though. But a shared calendar is pretty good.


[quote name='bassbiscuits' timestamp='1506437420' post='3378728']
It's a tricky one.

I used to gig in a band that kept getting offered possible gigs, half of which came to nothing, but i still had the dates pencilled in my diary.

If availability for a gig was checked a few months ago, but not mentioned at all since then, i can understand why someone might think that the gig wasn't confirmed.

Not saying that's right, just that its quite an easy mistake for your drummer to make.

A communication problem more than anything else by the sound of it.

Gig was confirmed. Simple as, as far as I am concerned. He should have put it in his diary


[quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1506440731' post='3378767']
Tbh I think I'm with the drummer, "you mentioned" the gig in April, nothing else since and it's not on the band's website.

I've got an issue with the "dates you can't do" thing too, our guitarist wanted us to give him all the dates we can't do rather than him check for each gig but he's not my dad, if I've got no gig next weekend and I book a weekend away that's my lookout, I'm not going to update my personal free time diary with him on a daily basis as things come up, booked holidays of course no problem and times you already know are out to save checking every time but not my personal free dates for him to book what he likes.

Ah bands :D

As I said earlier, gig was confirmed. He should have written it in his diary


[quote name='Burrito' timestamp='1506450827' post='3378882']
I don't think you were that harsh. It looks like the problem is bigger than this one time so I reckon move on. I think he is a bit sensitive here. However, if you might be cutting your nose off to spite your face, I'd meet and talk it through.

Um!?! :huh:

technically a very good drummer, but cannot busk


[quote name='bazztard' timestamp='1506488794' post='3379027']
I can't believe you rely on a Facebook page to notify each other about gigs. Really?

A group text message not easy enough?

to quote George Costanza "we're a SOCIETY"

talk to each other ffs

It's a messenger thread that we are all part of. We know to check in. It's similar to texting but everyone can see it. I don't see the problem here


Guys, I do appreciate all your replies and on balance I am happy with my reaction.
Those of you with difficult band mates do seem to understand how I feel, yet those of you that think I am wrong, well we best not form a band together :lol: :gas: B)

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