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So I gave a band member both barrels..............

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Gig-getting? Silvia and I hunt as a team, we're both organised to the point of OCD, and despite it being very time-consuming and (occasionally) frustrating we actually enjoy it a lot. No wild boar or roe deer get harmed but it's still the thrill of the chase.

Other band members chip in with some gigs, which is nice, but if Silvie and I don't hit the road then the diary tends to get pretty empty.


[quote name='The59Sound' timestamp='1506582370' post='3379636'] A band is a team not a dictatorship.

Not always IMO. Sometimes a (benevolent) dictatorship accomplishes far more than an ineffective team where nobody takes any responsibility for anything! As ever though, the devil is in the detail and the quality of interpersonal relationships is key. But it [i][b]can[/b][/i] work...

Posted (edited)

[quote name='Conan' timestamp='1506587112' post='3379680']
Not always IMO. Sometimes a (benevolent) dictatorship accomplishes far more than an ineffective team where nobody takes any responsibility for anything! As ever though, the devil is in the detail and the quality of interpersonal relationships is key. But it [i][b]can[/b][/i] work...

The key word here is [i]benevolent[/i]. I played in a band with a 'glorious leader' and he had us playing every single crappy gig going, sometimes two crappy gigs in one night. It was definitely quantity over quality and the band suffered for it in all sorts of ways. It came to a head inevitably, and I walked. Or staggered, anyway... but yes, it [i]can [/i]work.

Edited by discreet

The problem with all these suggestions etc is that its still down to the individual to check and keep up with things. This is the main cause of mis communication IMO.


[quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1506588340' post='3379695']
The problem is that it's still down to the individual to check and keep up with things.

This. To paraphrase an earlier post - you're either keen or you're not.


[quote name='Conan' timestamp='1506587112' post='3379680']
Not always IMO. Sometimes a (benevolent) dictatorship accomplishes far more than an ineffective team where nobody takes any responsibility for anything! As ever though, the devil is in the detail and the quality of interpersonal relationships is key. But it [i][b]can[/b][/i] work...
A band is a team when writing songs. If it's a dictatorship and you're told what to play then what a sh***y band...


Interesting reading thorough this I must say.

The one person guaranteed to not respond without prompting or be the last to respond is our drummer. He also needs reminding about gigs. It's a pain in the backside, but because we're pals and have been for donkeys years we're guilty of going " That's just Doug" and live with it. I think part of the reason for his tardiness is that he needs to pick his moment to check with his wife, who doesn't like him playing in the band, for some reason. You'd think she'd be used to it - theyve been married for about 28 years and he's been playing, on and off for about 35..


[quote name='Rich' timestamp='1506562310' post='3379592']
My band uses Google calendar to keep track of gigs and member availability. Alongside it I run my own Google calendar which has personal stuff in. The band calendar entries are yellow and personal ones green, to avoid confusion. Personal entries will be detailed, e.g. "Weekend at bruv's" and corresponding band ones are vague, e.g. "Rich out". It works well and isn't at all unreadable.

Exactly what I do, works well! Doesn't really take long to add in 2 events either on me phone, couple of taps and it's all done!

As for the OP, seems like a misunderstanding from both sides but OP spat the dummy out. Drummers response is reasonable to me, if it's not on the band website it's fair to assume it's not happening. No?

I'd get a digital band calendar together where everyone can view and write the band plans together, cut out any misinformation.


[quote name='The59Sound' timestamp='1506594023' post='3379753']
A band is a team when writing songs. If it's a dictatorship and you're told what to play then what a sh***y band...

Not all bands write songs. In cover bands, the role of "dictator" or leader can be very useful in making sure everyone does their bit. IME anyway :)


[quote name='The59Sound' timestamp='1506594023' post='3379753']
A band is a team when writing songs. If it's a dictatorship and you're told what to play then what a sh***y band...
[/quote][quote name='Conan' timestamp='1506597241' post='3379793']
Not all bands write songs. In cover bands, the role of "dictator" or leader can be very useful in making sure everyone does their bit. IME anyway :)

Quite. Usually me. I should get a 'You're Playing It Wrong' t-shirt printed, it would save time.


[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1506597388' post='3379795']
Quite. Usually me. I should get a 'You're Playing It Wrong' t-shirt printed, it would save time.

Same here. In my current band (a work in progress - maybe that's what we should call ourselves?!) I spend a lot of time singing the lead vocal lines so that the singer can hear what the timing and phrasing should be. I don't mind doing it for a while, but after a few months it shouldn't still be happening. Some people just don't spend enough time listening to and learning their parts :angry: Such is life :rolleyes: B)

Posted (edited)

[quote name='Conan' timestamp='1506597620' post='3379802']
Some people just don't spend enough time listening to and learning their parts :angry:

And even when they do, it's still bloody wrong. I'm convinced people have just got cloth ears, 'musicians' worst of all!

Edit: I think what is needed is a band consisting entirely of bass players. Bass players who are prepared to sing, play drums, keyboards, brass and guitars. Now that would be some band. :)

Edited by discreet

Back to the OPs question " too harsh?"

We use google calendar plus face book messenger. The only thing that could make this not work would be if one of us lacked enthusiasm. We have the usual ups and downs that come with a long term band such as politics, musical taste ect plus our private lives involving usual work and family hassells , but one thing we never get wrong is the location,date and time of a rehearsal or gig. We have a rule that says if you cancel a rehearsal last minute, you pay for that rehearsal and if you cant do a gig last minute you supply a dep. (there would be exceptions if the cancellation was due to a sensitive matter).

I think lack of communication will eventually lead to lack of band sooner or later be it just one member getting the off or whole band collapsing.

I dont like my time wasted when it comes to a regular band and I wouldn't waste anyone elses time by not joining in on the various levels required ie: learning material, communicating ect ect. To not respond or acknowledge a gig that someone else has made the effort to get and then give a casual shrug of the shoulders so to speak when it gets cancelled.........tells you all you need to know. If you can easily replace = result. If not = Hmmmmm but another thread possibly.

Some people like to do the passive aggressive thing. Be all nice and spicey as a person to hopefully excuse the lack of effort elsewhere because they know everyone will take their side and you end up looking like the c**t when it goes tits up because you had the balls, in this very delicate bubble that is a band, to call it how it is.

I'm glad you handled it the way you did as A: It sent a message and B: You got a better replacement and C: Your actions led to B.

Harsh? I'll give you bloody harsh ect ect....... :D :angry: :blink: :rolleyes:


[quote name='police squad' timestamp='1506434502' post='3378694']
'See you all next Saturday at the Railway Bell' I said to the boys as we were about to leave our gig last Saturday.

'Our next gig is in November' says the drummer.

'No it's Saturday' I say.

He gets his phone out and shows me the website. I've forgotten to put it on the website.

'Oh F&&k it, I'll cancel it, sorry boys it looks like it's my fault' I said even though I know when I booked it I had notified everybody.

Anyway, I checked it all out in the morning and sure enough, on our Facebook messenger chat page, I had announced it in April and was greeted by the 'thumbs up' by the drummer.

This is not the first time he has messed up his diary. He's 30, has a degree in music and is head of maths, where he teaches.

I was less than polite about it, because I have better things to do than constantly change things, arrange deps .

[color=#FFFFFF][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=3]I[/size][/font][/color]I've just checked back thru this message board and I can see that I did mention about the gig this saturday 30th at The railway bell, dover. Ross, you even gave the thumbs up. So I missed putting it on the website, which is my fault. But I did tell people. I didn't text alex, because he sometimes checks in here and hardly ever acknowledges my texts about dates. I am utterly fed up with this. I'm going to cancel saturday because I cannot be bothered to sort it out. I have better things to do than f&&k about with people that can't write things in their diary[color=#FFFFFF][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=3]'ve just checked back thru this message board and I can see that I did mention about the gig this saturday 30th at The railway bell, dover. Ross, you even gave the thumbs up. So I missed putting it on the website, which is my fault. But I did tell people. I didn't text alex, because he sometimes checks in here and hardly ever acknowledges my texts about dates. I am utterly fed up with this. I'm going to cancel saturday because I cannot be bothered to sort it out. I have better things to do than f*** about with people that can't write things in their diary[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#FFFFFF][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=3], you even gave the thumbs up. So I missed putting it on the website, which is my fault. But I did tell people. I didn't text alex, because he sometimes checks in here and hardly ever acknowledges my texts about dates. I am utterly fed up with this. I'm going to cancel saturday because I cannot be bothered to sort it out. I have better things to do than f&&k about with people that can't write things in their diary[/size][/font][/color]

[color=#4B4F56][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=3]I said yes back in April however as it wasn't on the calendar didn't realise it was confirmed. Just a big misunderstanding but If that's the way you feel - find another drummer, as I will not play with someone who speaks to me that way. Cheers[/size][/font][/color]

As I said, he is always messing his diary up. He never gives me dates he can't do, until I book something.

Was I too harsh? Probably but my job is very demanding and running a band (as many of you know) is a thankless task.

Anyone else have this kind of thing?
Currently looking for a new drummer :D

Looks like getting a new drummer is the best result...


[quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1506435516' post='3378705']
I would contact him and exchange apologies.


A very important responsibility of anybody in a band is to ensure THEY manage their calendar and note THEIR own gigs etc. Someone who needs reminders to work is just not worth the hassle, and as this example shows, a mistake on somebody else's part to write something somewhere becomes THEIR excuse to feel offended. Seriously: f**k him.


[quote name='Stylon Pilson' timestamp='1506439202' post='3378743']
Word of warning - the drummer may forget that he quit the band, if he hasn't put it in his diary. He might show up at the Railway Bell after all.




[quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1506440731' post='3378767']
Tbh I think I'm with the drummer, "you mentioned" the gig in April, nothing else since and it's not on the band's website.

I've got an issue with the "dates you can't do" thing too, our guitarist wanted us to give him all the dates we can't do rather than him check for each gig but he's not my dad, if I've got no gig next weekend and I book a weekend away that's my lookout, I'm not going to update my personal free time diary with him on a daily basis as things come up, booked holidays of course no problem and times you already know are out to save checking every time but not my personal free dates for him to book what he likes.


The 'dates you cannot do' carries a date: those dates are subject to change later, and it's only accurate at the time I give it to you. So you still need to confirm availabilities... but it saves a LOT of time for the person booking if they can have at a glance a list of dates that for one reason or another should not even be considered. It's not too much to ask, really.


[quote name='TimR' timestamp='1506458473' post='3378952']
So he quits at the drop of a hat? Didn't offer to try and rearrange whatever it was he'd double booked. Can't keep a diary. Doesn't call you to try and apologise when he's upset you.

His heart's not in it and your email was just the straw that broke the camel's back.

Exactly my thoughts.


[quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1506526612' post='3379362']
I tried to set up a Google calendar a few times, but one guy only used an old Nokia and had no computer so that didnt work. I would also get excuses that they couldn't log on etc. I found the best way was to text each one and [s]expect[/s] hope they would make a note of them. On the whole i felt they needed to take responsibility for themselves.

much like we did...

but I have my own google calendar. Drummer did the same, and we share them. We have a band gmail address and used that too. Eventually everyody else realised how useful it was and they all use it now. It's easy, if you want to keep your own personal diary separate, then add stuff to the band one and not the personal one. Up to each person.

In the end everyone must be responsible for their own diary. I don't care how you keep track of your own commitments, use a calendar on your wall, or your memory, or use a personal assistant to remind you. Whatever. Just make sure you know what dates you have a gig. We don't need to all use the same calendar online (even if it can make life so much simpler, you just can't make some people change their ways).


[quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1506610404' post='3379933']

The 'dates you cannot do' carries a date: those dates are subject to change later, and it's only accurate at the time I give it to you. So you still need to confirm availabilities... but it saves a LOT of time for the person booking if they can have at a glance a list of dates that for one reason or another should not even be considered. It's not too much to ask, really.

I haven't got a problem telling them when I'm not free so as soon as I book a holiday or a weekend away I'll text the guy who does the majority of the booking as it's essentially his band it also goes into the group chat, we all spend time in various countries and we all have other hobbies, which is what it is for us, I don't want to just share all my free time with them, that's why it's called 'free time'! :lol:


As with some others here I'm afraid my sympathies are with the drummer. If you're going to have a central band diary then that should be the master. If someone asked 6 months ago if I was OK for something, but nothing appeared in the band diary then I'd assume it wasn't on.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1506690038' post='3380454']
As with some others here I'm afraid my sympathies are with the drummer. If you're going to have a central band diary then that should be the master. If someone asked 6 months ago if I was OK for something, but nothing appeared in the band diary then I'd assume it wasn't on.

or you could ask if anything came of that date, as i didn't write anything down, because its not my job to, regarding an enquiry and i have something else come up if we arent doing it?

I would expect any sensible person to at least pencil something in on a date that has been enquired about.

Edited by dave_bass5

[quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1506693036' post='3380480']
or you could ask if anything came of that date, as i didn't write anything down, because its not my job to, regarding an enquiry and i have something else come up if we arent doing it?

I would expect any sensible person to at least pencil something in on a date that has been enquired about.

Pretty much.


I think a lot of this depends on how many gigs the band does, if they're doing say 2 a month then fair enough the drummer should have let everyone know he wasn't available (this is where a band diary comes in, as well as letting everyone else know when gigs are on) but if the band doesn't do many gigs and doesn't get together very often I would say both parties are at fault.
Having said that I don't know the people involved, some people are disorganised, to the point of exasperation, you're better off without them, I find people who are always late bloody annoying too

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