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Posted (edited)

It's not so much the 'slap' that's painful to listen to (to me...); it's more the 'mainstream', amply illustrated by the clip above ^^..! :rolleyes: :lol: :P

Edited by Dad3353
Posted (edited)

[quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1507724902' post='3387479']
Welcome to the mainstream:



I bet the Drum programmer had many long, sleepless nights, putting that detailed Rhythm track together.


Edited by lowdown

[quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1507726271' post='3387499']
I bet the Drum programmer had many long, sleepless nights, putting that detailed Rhythm track together.


Suits the song perfectly :).
Lot's of Motown is built over incredibly simple grooves, but we don't slag off Al Jackson Jr



[quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1507727370' post='3387517']
Suits the song perfectly :).
Lot's of Motown is built over incredibly simple grooves, but we don't slag off Al Jackson Jr


Just opinions of course, but I couldn't compare (simple) Motown grooves with a programmed track like that.
You kinda summed it up better than I did...'Groove'... :D

Depends how you define groove I guess, if you want to tie it down to only beats played by a human (which I'd argue you'll never find specified in any definition of' Groove'), and their various nuances, fine, but you're missing out on a lot. I tend to apply it to anything that gives a sense of relatively consistent rhythm. There are videos on youtube of tractor engines creating great grooves for example.

But for those who require to see live musicians and more drum hits to tell whether a song is decent or not, let's try this:


I simply meant this as a decent example of 'slap' bass in a relatively recent, (very) popular song. It works, it's tasteful. Slap doesn't have to be machine gun 64th notes everywhere....that's just the taste of the player and the given musical context. I don't slap very often at all, I can....not the flashiest in the world....but I've genuinely NEVER been asked on a gig "oh, can you slap that part". Fun to practice, incredibly rare to get used in the musical situations I'm in.

Nevermind lol

Posted (edited)

[quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1507728867' post='3387548']
Depends how you define groove I guess, if you want to tie it down to only beats played by a human (which I'd argue you'll never find specified in any definition of' Groove'), and their various nuances, fine, but you're missing out on a lot. I tend to apply it to anything that gives a sense of relatively consistent rhythm. There are videos on youtube of tractor engines creating great grooves for example.

But for those who require to see live musicians and more drum hits to tell whether a song is decent or not, let's try this:


I simply meant this as a decent example of 'slap' bass in a relatively recent, (very) popular song. It works, it's tasteful. Slap doesn't have to be machine gun 64th notes everywhere....that's just the taste of the player and the given musical context. I don't slap very often at all, I can....not the flashiest in the world....but I've genuinely NEVER been asked on a gig "oh, can you slap that part". Fun to practice, incredibly rare to get used in the musical situations I'm in.

Nevermind lol


People do tend to break groove down though. "Great Bass groove, but the Drums ain't happening", " The kit player is happening, but the Bass is dragging" etc...
When they are all grooving/happening, then you know something special is going down. I just thought that Bruno Mars thing wasn't happening (for me),
although I agree the Bass playing was right on it and a good example for the thread.

I don't mind hearing programming, some of it you would be hard pressed to distinguish from a human playing, it has become quite musical these days, especially in the the hybrid/classical film score world. As for the second video you posted, that [i]is[/i] happening for me, with more energy, but then again, some might say too many fills (not me though. :D )

Sorry, I have derailed this thread..
Carry on.

Edited by lowdown
Posted (edited)

As I mainly play with a pick, for me, 'slap' is just another technique that has its uses, like finger style - I'd consider it poor form to 'chump it' when needed (see Bruno Mars) that said, If it didn't appear in mainstream dance music from time to time wouldn't bother. I once spent a pathetic amount of time trying Bernard Edwards chucking technique - because I wanted to.

I spend a of time trying to play solo chord / melody stuff on my bass, but I've earned more money being able to play slap and its variants (this felt like a cogent point when I typed it - not sure that it is)

If I played double bass I guess that I'd need to have that technique rockabilly slap to a performance standard

I avoid 'slap demo videos' with a passion.

Edited by No lust in Jazz

Slap bass has had it's day for sure, as has proper funk. What passes for funk these days ,like that Mark Ronson effort, is just watered down pastiches. As I said in an earlier post I love slap n' pop meself but can see that to others it might sound a bit dated, especially if they can't abide Level 42, Freez and other 80s pop-funk merchants

Posted (edited)

[quote name='Al Krow' timestamp='1507578824' post='3386547']
Hmmm...who would you rate as being a good female slapper?

Kim Clarke - Defunkt

Check out their 1982 album, Thermonuclear Sweat.

I love slap and I prefer the hard hitters; Larry Graham, Prince, Flea, Louis Johnson. Not keen on the short strap, bass under the chin typewritery machine gun stuff!

I know Sly Stone was talking about sing-alongs but what he said describes how I feel about slap bass;

[color=#1D2129][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]"Now a lot of people don't like to do it, because they feel it might be old fashion. But you must dig that it is not a fashion in the first place, it is a feeling. And if it was good in the past, it's still good".[/font][/color]

Edited by mike f

Warwick basses are, I understand, often linked with happy slappers?

Anyway a shout out to Grangur who is a bit of whizz on doing up basses. He was in town and popped over and kindly lowered the PUP height on my Warwick Corvette $$ which considerably reduced the speaker pop I was getting even with fairly mild thumb slaps (and he also very slightly loosened the neck truss to allow the neck to unstraighten just a touch which also dealt with some minor fret buzz). I'm guessing that my local luthier would have charged £30 to make those adjustments! Anyway he (and I) liked the sound of my Warwick $$ so much, after he'd tweaked the set up, he's gone and borrowed it for a couple of weeks...hey I guess one good turn deserves another :)


[quote name='mike f' timestamp='1507927867' post='3388929']
Kim Clarke - Defunkt

Check out their 1982 album, Thermonuclear Sweat.

I love slap and I prefer the hard hitters; Larry Graham, Prince, Flea, Louis Johnson. Not keen on the short strap, bass under the chin typewritery machine gun stuff!

I know Sly Stone was talking about sing-alongs but what he said describes how I feel about slap bass;

[color=#1D2129][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]"Now a lot of people don't like to do it, because they feel it might be old fashion. But you must dig that it is not a fashion in the first place, it is a feeling. And if it was good in the past, it's still good".[/font][/color]

I agree with that.

There's a lot of slap that sounds like some metallic clanking noise which leaves me completely cold. But what Larry Graham and Louis Johnson and others in their vein do is a lot more... "groove" oriented, with a deeper tone, and even when it's fast it doesn't seem they're just trying to fit in as many notes as possible, but it sounds more like different parts on a drum kit could sound.

It's a style that has a lot of good uses.


im not sure who is calling the shots anymore regarding song structure, alot of todays music i think is conveyor belt music, stars for a day and simon cowell pushed sh!te, so the bass player in that invironment gets no say, yes there are still good old bands, but as you say not alot going on there either, maybe influenced by the soup of the day?
bands led by bass players you might get your treats/horror now and again.
i write most of the songs for my funk band, and i try to cover alot of ground, old school funk, jazz funk, northern soul, groove, gospel, and when i want to pin people to the back wall with some power funk, then yea out comes the thumb, just another tool to do the job....i just wished some of that was simon cowell pushed sh!te :lol: star for a day... at least it would of been a day. :rolleyes:

Posted (edited)

[quote name='Cuzzie' timestamp='1507578139' post='3386532']
if you guys fight, will it be fisticuffs or girly slaps.....

It doesn’t matter as long as the delivery is tasteful lol.

Seriously though, the problem with any technique, especially one that draws attention is when it is done badly. So as you can imagine, 100 visitors at the bass show all in desperate need to get attention....

Edited by dood

[quote name='mike f' timestamp='1507927867' post='3388929']
Kim Clarke - Defunkt

OMG [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdHiziEiAnA"]she's good[/url]! Thanks - I'd not heard of these guys before, so I've defo learned something!

[quote name='funkgod' timestamp='1507969961' post='3389020']
i write most of the songs for my funk band, and i try to cover alot of ground, old school funk, jazz funk, northern soul, groove, gospel, and when i want to pin people to the back wall with some power funk, then yea out comes the thumb, just another tool to do the job....

Sounds great on a number of levels. Not just 42. So you got any clips of some of your best material uploaded you could share with your thumb in action?

Posted (edited)

[quote name='Al Krow' timestamp='1507989992' post='3389198']
OMG [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdHiziEiAnA"]she's good[/url]! Thanks - I'd not heard of these guys before, so I've defo learned something!

Sounds great on a number of levels. Not just 42. So you got any clips of some of your best material uploaded you could share with your thumb in action?

Hi Al sorry no live clips , i have some old very rough sounding mp3s of stuff i have done in my man den that we do live tho,
was trying to do a peppers thing with this, the guys have nailed this one even with that bass drum ( not easy), as you can hear its also unfinished but the idea is there enough to give the band to play with, will redo it one day. , had to do the guitar the same way slapped as well :D
No prizes for guessing the classic film on the end.
slap haters please just bypass this.....


Edited by funkgod

[quote name='funkgod' timestamp='1508011406' post='3389344']
Hi Al sorry no live clips , i have some old very rough sounding mp3s of stuff i have done in my man den that we do live tho,
was trying to do a peppers thing with this, the guys have nailed this one even with that bass drum ( not easy), as you can hear its also unfinished but the idea is there enough to give the band to play with, will redo it one day. , had to do the guitar the same way slapped as well :D
No prizes for guessing the classic film on the end.
slap haters please just bypass this.....


Cheers for sharing that - really like what you've done here (particularly on the bass). It's original right?

Posted (edited)

Thanks al, im made up now,,, :D yea original, i originally wrote it on a looper,
great little tool for getting ya chops down.
did you get the film ???
comeeeooonnnn its easy. :rolleyes:

my fave slappy playing now is in controled bits, iv posted this before,
but i think this sums it up, melvin davis is great at this type of playing.
total control

Edited by funkgod
Posted (edited)

Lol! I'm struggling to name the film, however I'm sure one of my fellow BCers will get there PDQ! (So don't give it away!)

OMG I totally love the whole [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ceQ0VypjS8"]Lee Ritenour band[/url], thanks v much for the link! They're soooo good and Chris Botti on trumpet just kills it!

(PS I totally agree that loopers are a great aid to getting ideas down - mine's a Boss RC 30)

Edited by Al Krow
Posted (edited)

7th track on the album has one of my favourite slap solos of all time. It’s modern but not mainstream. It is tasteful and that’s what matters to me.

Edited by PawelG

[quote name='Cuzzie' timestamp='1508018283' post='3389380']
Funk god

The Technique suits the song

S'all good

thanks for that cuz, always great to hear from other good bass players. :)

just reading through some of the comments, there does seem to be an equal amount of love and hate toward the slap thing, while agreed its not really soup of the day, but i bet as soon as it is again, it will entrap a whole new fraternity of disciples willing to take it a step further, rinse wash repeat, step forward one step.
for me it would be interesting to hear where the next wave of disciples takes it.
we will see

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