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Who has the highest / lowest action

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Posted (edited)

I very rarely stray beyond the 5th fret, so string height at the 17th fret doesn't make a lot of difference anyway

Edited by PaulWarning

[quote name='Elfrasho' timestamp='1508740821' post='3394031']
...I know there's more to setting up your bass than raising the saddles but it works for me.

I bet you didn't know you could use a banana as a gauge though. If you like root vegetables I'd suggest a prize-winning parsnip.



[quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1508754901' post='3394140']
I bet you didn't know you could use a banana as a gauge though. If you like root vegetables I'd suggest a prize-winning parsnip.

But those are so thing and pointy that they're sort of pointless.


[quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1508741421' post='3394032']
I don’t normally measure my action, but just have.
My fretted is just under 6mm at the 17th fret and my Fretless at the same position is about 5mm (The E string-B string about the same).

:shok: Wow!


[quote name='ped' timestamp='1508748888' post='3394085']
I like mine super low. The G string is lowest and the E a tiny bit higher to give a better slap. I play very lightly so there is no buzz, but a delicious clank when digging in. Here you can see the G and I've had to magnify it so much you can see the discolouration where the string hits the fret, invisible to the naked eye. The neck has to be dead straight to achieve this, which is why I like my Vigiers, but not every Vigier I've tried is able to do it quite so well. My little Wingbass also has a flat fingerboard because it's got no truss rod either, the board is flat glued to the body which is a single cut shape. As a result it's also extremely low - maybe lower, in fact... will see if I can get a pic later.


:shok: Also wow. Makes mine look ridiculously high :lol:


[quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1508745242' post='3394049']
Crikey that's not far off my double bass! Maybe you're not Lowdown at all :)

I agree. A name change to High Plains Drifter is in order, I believe.


[quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1508753753' post='3394118']
Are they eu standard bananas ? What if they don't have enough relief to align with the neck ? Fitting the banana with a truss rod could work - twin rods shared with the neck perhaps a la Rick ?

And so, the Rickenana was born. Just don't file your saddles too low because you can't put them back up again.


[quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1508757707' post='3394156']
But those are so thing and pointy that they're sort of pointless.

Being pointy and, er, thing never put bassists off using the Flying Vee so what's [i]your[/i] point? Heeheehee

[size=3]Pointy an ting - iry[/size]


[quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1508751860' post='3394107']
...or your pickups too low
or your bananas too small

Busy wiping tears of laughter out my eyes. I'm afraid I'm going to have to abandon this topic for a comfort break darn you!

Posted (edited)

I think strings are relevant to how low you can get your action. Also fingerboard radius plays a part. As does having a well cut nut / level frets / neck relief etc... But I digress....

I like my strings to be low tension, I use 45-105 Dunlop Super Bright Nickels. Mine are usually set to the Fender spec of 6/64" for the E/A and 5/64 for the D/G.

I can get more like 5/64 for the E/A and 4/64 for the D/G on my 2015 American Elite Precision and maybe even a bit lower on my Yamaha Attitude ltd 3.

6/64 = 2.4mm
5/64 = 2.0mm
4/64 = 1.6mm

Edited by LewisK1975
Posted (edited)

Speaking of bananas, my main bass has so much neck relief it looks like a banana from the side. And the answer to the action question is: A bus. But not a double decker one.. Back when I was young and strong and manly and virile I had a 12th fret action around 6-7mm. On 105-s
Still on 105 but the action has dropped down to about 5mm now.
Great for recording - not a scrape squeak or rattle to be heard & the tone is excellent.

Edited by ivansc

[quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1508764935' post='3394245']

Busy wiping tears of laughter out my eyes. I'm afraid I'm going to have to abandon this topic for a comfort break darn you!

I have now lowered my action and can now only just slip a thinly sliced piece of ham between pick ups and strings.


I bought a bass off Leigh Gordon of morcheeba. It had the most sky high Jamerson action I’ve ever seen - eight full turns over time to take it


[quote name='steantval' timestamp='1508791976' post='3394517']
I have now lowered my action and can now only just slip a thinly sliced piece of ham between pick ups and strings.


I once adjusted a sea bass with a kipper. So there.


[quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1508792459' post='3394522']
I bought a bass off Leigh Gordon of morcheeba. It had the most sky high Jamerson action I’ve ever seen - eight full turns over time to take it
Turns? Sounds like relief, not action.


[quote name='LewisK1975' timestamp='1508765854' post='3394261']
I think strings are relevant to how low you can get your action. Also fingerboard radius plays a part. As does having a well cut nut / level frets / neck relief etc... But I digress....

Adjusting the action should take the radius into account. I use an Allen key under each string to measure heights and get them all the same distance from the fret.


Wow - some of those actions are incredibly high!

I've just finished resuscitating my old Yam BB1100s and it plays great with 12thou neck relief (0.3mm) at the 7th fret and 80thou at the 17th fret (2.03mm). That is with a 250mm fingerboard radius, all level frets and circa 23thou 1st fret action.

I don't have a light touch, so I wouldn't want to go lower as I hate fret buzz (I don't mind a bit of string slap on the last fret when digging in though).

Posted (edited)

After I defretted my Axe bass with the aid of a screw driver it had an action of around 1cm at the 12th (former) fret, even after I lowered the saddles to the point they were touching the bridge plate.

In my defense I was about 17 at the time and hadn't considered the possible consequences of my spontaneous bout of luthiery.

Edited by Cato

I had a PA hire with a band called Galliano (keyboard player was ex-Style Council) back in 80's and their bass player was held up altho his gear was set up by the stage crew. We needed to complete a quick sound check of the band and they asked if i could do his sound check. It was a standard Fender bass but the action was so high it has stuck in my mind ever since. Must have been around 5mm on E string. The band were all pretty seasoned musicians too.
When the bassist finally arrived i mentioned it to him and he said he liked it that way to do slap bass which seemed to be his favoured technique.
All in all they were an amazing band, exceptional musicians.
I couldn't have gigged with his bass with an action that high.

Currently my Jazz is 2mm on E. My P/J is slightly higher at 2.5mm. I do feel the difference when switching between them.
The Jazz has been tweaked over the years to get to that point whereas the PJ i only bought this year and still working on it to get it just right.




[quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1508825662' post='3394594']
Adjusting the action should take the radius into account. I use an Allen key under each string to measure heights and get them all the same distance from the fret.

I use a 5p piece. They vary in thickness slightly but I've found one that is as near as makes no difference, 2mm thick


[quote name='MoJo' timestamp='1508850596' post='3394844']
I use a 5p piece. They vary in thickness slightly but I've found one that is as near as makes no difference, 2mm thick

A standard 2p coin is 2.03mm when new - pretty much ideal for a quick action check. (a hair over 5/64)


[quote name='MoJo' timestamp='1508850596' post='3394844']
I use a 5p piece. They vary in thickness slightly but I've found one that is as near as makes no difference, 2mm thick
That's a good one. I also use a £1 coin for the distance from strings to pickup.


[quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1508865310' post='3394984']

That's a good one. I also use a £1 coin for the distance from strings to pickup.

Is that the old or new £1 coin ?

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