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We are a five piece band playing a mix of AC/DC, ZZ Top, Thin Lizzy, The Who etc..

We have been using an old second-hand system which the vocalist purchased cheaply, and quite frankly, it is rubbish!!!

So we have decided to look for a better PA, we play pubs and social clubs so it would need to reasonably powered, but we could do with something that isn't too bulky because some of the pubs we play are tight for space.

We are looking at spending about £500/£600 which might not seem much, but we only gig once a month on average, and although we do get paid, it's not a great amount.

Should we go second-hand or new?

None of us have much knowledge of PA systems, so any advice and recommendations would be very welcome.

Thanks in advance.


I'd go secondhand active cabs. The JBL G1's and G2's 15" can go for as little as £100 now. G1 are 175w but go really loud. G2 400w and loud loud again. I saw a band recently with a pair of G1's in a large pub. The vocals were deafening. They had a bit of kick going through too. All depends what is going through them as well though.

There's quite a few threads on here about good value budget PA cabs too...


[quote name='itsmedunc' timestamp='1509127729' post='3396907']
I'd go secondhand active cabs. The JBL G1's and G2's 15" can go for as little as £100 now. G1 are 175w but go really loud. G2 400w and loud loud again. I saw a band recently with a pair of G1's in a large pub. The vocals were deafening. They had a bit of kick going through too. All depends what is going through them as well though.

There's quite a few threads on here about good value budget PA cabs too...
[/quote]Mainly vocals and maybe the kick drum


we use a yamaha EMX 512SC (it's advertised as 500 + 500 watts but it's not really, RMS is more like 175 +175 watts) with Wharfdale Titans and no name monitors, always been plenty loud enough, pubs and social clubs (especially) don't want you too loud, the Yamaha is class D and as light as a feather the Titans are a different story, I'd use yamaha again but look for lighter speakers, powered speakers are ok but you have to run power cables to them all


They are great for that. They also have a kick back feature that turns them into excellent monitors. We used to have 3xG1 and 4xG2. G2's have a mini mixer in them too. Got them off eBay. They do a sub too but you can't mount the tops on it? Stupid really!

I'm sure lots of other folk will reply with lots of other options too.


Unless you are buying really good tops like Rcf745s then you are going to need a sub if you want to put any kick drum through. That would take you beyond your budget even for older kit I would suggest. Best bet would be a pair of quality used tops. Something like RCF 322a / 325a or similar would be great as the 322s and 325s have a 2inch hf driver as opposed to the I inch voice coil in most cheaper tops. This makes a huge difference at high volume as it's way smoother and far less harsh. If that was my budget that would be my first choice.


who's gonna operate it?

I'd ask a soundman to make some suggestions for you, he may also know of someone wanting to offload such a pa

Go see some bands at the pubs you'll be playing at to get an idea of what size you need, that's the best way, while there talk to the pa operator.


Thanks for all the comments so far, it looks like we need to do some serious research before making a decision ;)


[quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1509129078' post='3396933']
we use a yamaha EMX 512SC (it's advertised as 500 + 500 watts but it's not really, RMS is more like 175 +175 watts) with Wharfdale Titans and no name monitors, always been plenty loud enough, pubs and social clubs (especially) don't want you too loud, the Yamaha is class D and as light as a feather the Titans are a different story, I'd use yamaha again but look for lighter speakers, powered speakers are ok but you have to run power cables to them all

This. We do the same but with a pair of Electrovoice SX300. it's always been plenty enough.


I`d look for the highest power as possible, not to go really loud, just so that you don`t end up with a PA that squeals feedback as soon as you get the vox loud enough. Nothing worse than a band where you can`t hardly hear the singer.


[quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1509184934' post='3397173']
I`d look for the highest power as possible, not to go really loud, just so that you don`t end up with a PA that squeals feedback as soon as you get the vox loud enough. Nothing worse than a band where you can`t hardly hear the singer.
[/quote]yep, nothing worse than muffled vocals, but you need more research than just going for the highest advertised power rating, as has been discussed in other threads, there's watts and then there's watts, bazztards suggestion seems sensible, but don't ask the sound man we got in York the other week :(


My experience is that decent PA cabs are heavy enough already without putting a power amp in each of them too!

I run Mixer --> Feedback Suppressor --> Power Amp --> Passive PA tops. The first three all live in a 6U rack case, permanently wired together, so set-up at the pub is really very simple ... plug in the XLRs for the three mics, plug in the speaker leads for the two tops, game over.

I used a 4-channel power amp with bridging options down to two channels most of the time. This approach also allows me to add foldback monitors if I want them, and also means that a bass amp fail isn't a problem since I can divert one of the power amp channels to drive my bass cab.


We play in similar venues - pubs, clubs and occasionally outside, and use a pair of second hand Mackie (SRM?) 450s. Plenty enough for vocals and kick, fairly light and compact. As they are powered it saves having a separate power amp, and fewer cables to plug in. We then have a Yamaha 8 channel mixer - job done. :)


We bought a pair of Alto 1x12 + horn powered speakers, 400w RMS (or was it 300? They're in the car ready for tonight's gig) and they work really well. Got them from a mate down the road who bought for a huge disco rig he was putting together but barely used before he had to sell it all off in a divorce. He still has a pair of similar speakers but with 15" drivers that he wants to sell.


Another vote for active speakers. We held off for years as we were told they dotn have the heft/sound quality/low end blah blah blah. We were playing Social clubs/weddings etc. Not huge places but they handled the vocal , kick drum and a bit of bass and mic'ed guitar.
When we decided to downsize we got a pair of DB Opera speakers. 700watt 1x15 with horn. Together they cost around £650. Our load in got soooo much easier. Any of us could carry both together, set up times were much faster. Sound quality was actually much improved over the old Peavey system we had been using.

Another bonus is that if you are using a supplied PA you can use these as extra powered monitors, or even a guitar/bass combo. In fact i use one as a home practice combo.


We splashed out for new active cabs 1x15 EV ZLX15P after a recommendations from a sound guy. We gave vocals, DI from guitar effects board and kick drum each gig. Occasionally my bass DI and a drum overhead for larger venues.

This works well enough for us. We don't have room to store and transport a sub and couldn't warrant buying one. Ok a sub would reinforce the sound and bottom end at times but that is rare.

We get away with 1 powered monitor angled across the stage.

Hopefully you will find something second hand to suit your budget and needs.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1509202120' post='3397305']
My experience is that decent PA cabs are heavy enough already without putting a power amp in each of them too!

I run Mixer --> Feedback Suppressor --> Power Amp --> Passive PA tops. The first three all live in a 6U rack case, permanently wired together, so set-up at the pub is really very simple ... plug in the XLRs for the three mics, plug in the speaker leads for the two tops, game over.

I used a 4-channel power amp with bridging options down to two channels most of the time. This approach also allows me to add foldback monitors if I want them, and also means that a bass amp fail isn't a problem since I can divert one of the power amp channels to drive my bass cab.

I've got two RCF powered tops and a digital mixer about the size of a shoe box, that will do a marquee for upto about 200 people. The first three items you've got are in the shoe box thing along with endless effects including a bass amp, guitar amps, 4 individual monitor out feeds that you can mix to your hearts content. You'd need to add another power amp and at least one sub to touch the RCF speakers so the weight/storage/cost/load in and out is saved already, It's the future honestly :)

Two tops with enough heft to not require subs hence the 1x12 in a fairly large venue barely on tickover.
Two powered monitors that can be used as tops in an emergency.
Two stands and a hidden mixer/iPad.
That's it job done.

Edited by stingrayPete1977

[quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1509394869' post='3398625']
Two tops with enough heft to not require subs hence the 1x12 in a fairly large venue barely on tickover.
Two powered monitors that can be used as tops in an emergency.
Two stands and a hidden mixer/iPad.
That's it job done.
Leaves plenty of room to carry the mic lights. :)

Posted (edited)

[quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1509457401' post='3399051']

Leaves plenty of room to carry the mic lights. :)

I have no part in Mic lights, if they appear I can cope but if they don't then that's cool, one less plug :)

Edited by stingrayPete1977

[quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1509463212' post='3399113']
I have no part in Mic lights, if they appear I can cope but if they don't then that's cool, one less plug :)

It's when the Elvis mic makes an appearance that things go to shizzle.


[quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1509542841' post='3399758']
That's banished forever, total junk.
How did Jim ever agree to that?! :P

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