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Hey guys.

I'm currently on a contract out in Bahrain playing in a hotel playing four chord pop tunes. Not particularly nourishing for my playing but it is giving me chance to refine my technique playing 4x45s 6 nights a week.

However, I do have a good internet connection and a lot of free time during the days so I am looking to make myself more “employable “ for when the contract is up. I realise I have asked these questions in the past, I started taking lessons when I was back home but my teacher wasn’t great and naturally life got in the way. 

So now I’m looking for some online courses which will take my sight reading to a respectable (and employable) level. I don’t mind paying etc, so if scotts bass lessons has a great sight reading programme I’ll sign up, or if Janek Gwizdala bass lessons.tv has one great (I really dig his playing and enthusiasm).

Any pointers would be appreciated. There’s no teachers out here that I can find and no music shops where I can pick up sheets etc, so all that’s kind of off limits for me.



I've had a brief look at Yousician and that might be able to help.

Another tool is things like powertab and guitar Pro, they have tab aswell as notation


Janek does have a sight reading course in his bass studio website.  Janek’s bass studio is really good, quite expensive when you compare it to Scott’s Bass Lessons, but if you like Janek’s teaching style it’s definitely worth it!

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