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I've been a member for ages really.

Hi everyone, DiMarco here. Dutch long time bassist and gear addict.
Currently I play in a coverband as nowadays I have a demanding job and hardly any time for the creative process. Other then practicing with the band a maximum one time per week there's zero time for making music.
Loving father and husband, daughter who's 10 and having the most awesome wife in the world.

Until recently I was an admin at another bass related forum but my (non existent) patience combined with temper and low tolerance for crap made me give up that position.
(The #^&^%* you get from some people because they regard you as "establishment" - oh I know the pain and have the utmost respect for people running forums!)

That said, I will not drag any of that piece of history into Basschat any further then the above notice.

I used to be a bigtime fan of Warwick basses but decided to move on after discovering my Zon Sonus, and (yes getting older) I play my Rics and P a lot more then any "modern" sounding basses. I ,mostly play through my several valve amplifiers, using a Barefaced Big Twin II gen3 cab all the time. Do own a couple of class D amps as well but meh.

Must say I really like the forum software and functional upgrades done lately to this particular forum, making it more modern feeling but still no lose its "forum" feel either. Great job staff!



Hi DiMarco,

Yes, being a Mod / Administrator on a forum must be a real thankless task.....
But the guys on here carry on regardless, and do a great job, I must say :)
Still, on to pastures anew for you anyway - so just join in the discussions here, and forget all the past nonsense elsewhere

Welcome to BassChat good sir.
There are a few fellow "gear addicts" on here too - so you're not alone lol

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