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TRADED - Darkglass M900 head


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I know there are a few for sale currently - can't comment why others are selling but I prefer a cleaner, fatter tone so this isn't my Cappuccino ..I've only used this in the test (half an hour?) - I know that I'm not going to bond with it.

Acquired in a trade with Simon a couple of weeks ago.


Great amp but I'm never going to use the effects part of the amp so defeats the point of having this. It's going to suit somebody who prefers a rocky, overdriven sound - Punk, Heavy Rock, Metal, Thrash. Lots of info and reviews online - check out YT, etc for more info.

I will consider trades and p/x's so hit me with your offers.


Edited by TheGreek
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Same reason most new items released get sold: loads of people want one, some decide not for them and they're moved on.

Mmm - it's so tempting, all these DGs - I might tell myself to wait until one of the smaller M500 (?) come up. I don't need 900 watts for bedroom playing... I do not...

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