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Old Hall Tavern, Chingford

Happy Jack

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We're playing there after Xmas, first time at the pub and we know nothing about it. Worse, none of us lives anywhere near Chingford and can be arsed to go up there on a recce.

What's it like?

How big is it ... is there a stage ... any problems with the load-in ... how are they on volume ... what's the crowd like ... the usual.


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45 minutes ago, Happy Jack said:

...What's it like?...

They've a big enough presence on t'web to get an idea, I'd say;. Maybe even enough to inspire a visit; it looks that nice..! No, I've never been there, but I've a pretty effective Google..! :P

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We played it about 6 times 2 years ago. It's a big place and had a resident crowd of mainly 50+ year olds but not particularly friendly. It's more of a Sunday lunch and big screen footie place.

Load in is from car park at back and you go up a ramp thru 2 doors into the the area just behind where you play so not bad. 

Small raised stage with handrails around it.

Wooden floors and quite big and echoey sound. 

The guvnor (may not be there now as he had some health issues before) had a big problem with a particular neighbour re the volumes with all the bands. He used to stand outside in the car park and keep running in saying to turn it all down. To the point of it being a waste of time and we cancelled all our future gigs there. The guitar amps physically couldn't get any quieter and the drummist was already using rods and couldn't get quieter. Shame because we always went down well there but it was unworkable. 

i thought he would end up scrapping live music as a result but the fact he's still doing maybe means they have resolved things a bit.

When are you there? I may drop in if I'm free that night

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Just now, Happy Jack said:

Thanks Mud, very helpful. The landlord now is an Irishman (Shane) - don't know if it's the same guy.

We're there on Sat 30th December, which may or may not turn out to be a dreadful night to play our first gig there!


Thats the same guy....nice bloke.

The volume problem is linked to the size of the place - the punters tend to stay up the far end, you're playing up the other end and the grumpy neighbour was the other side of the car park which is behind your end. The audience were asking us to turn up 'cos they couldn't hear us and the landlord was asking us to turn down 'cos of grumpy bloke.

Hopefully the grumpy neighbour has moved or they've calmed him down somehow.

Whats your band called?

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