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Rio by Duran Duran was a challenge to learn, disappointingly it hasn't spurred me on to bigger and better things though, much the same with What A Waste (Ian Dury) worked that out and was really pleased to be able to play it but again it didn't drive me forward


Rhythm Stick for me as well, at 90% speed I can almost do it but any faster and I always trip up, usually stumbling over the pushed 1st note of the riff.


Its always seemingly easy ones that throw me. I remember the killers - somebody told me - pretty easy, but for some reason my brain couldnt make any sense of it. Sounded like it was being played backwards. Very frustrating for no logical reason.


War Pigs was quite a challenge for me. Lots to remember and it keeps your fingers busy. 

Good Times Bad Times was a handful at first.


Currently learning 'The Real Me' by The Who. At first it seems like 90% fills, it's one of the trickiest I've had to learn but I'm getting there. 

Someone mentioned Rio, in my acoustic band I have to do that one on doublebass :)

Posted (edited)

Probably been quite a few i've really had to work at altho they were just for my own satisfaction and never played in a band.

Few Rush parts YYZ being the obvious one but the one i love playing is Time Stands Still. Some nice wee fiddly bits and love his tone.

Camel Never Let Go from the Live Record. (Few other arts on that album i liked and had to work at. Sinclair is an incredible bassist)

Cosy Powel Theme #1 was a tricky wee bass line by Jack Bruce. (think that's what got me into Bruce's bass style)

Its just dawned on me that they all have a very similar sharp mid-esque tone xD

That's the tone i try to aim for in most bands.


Edited by dmccombe7

Most of the problems I have had are due to trying to play some trickier bass lines that were originally played with fingers.  I play mainly with a pick - I have greater control and speed so all of the trickier bass lines I have tried to learn have been done out of necessity with a pick.  As an academic exercise I tried to learn Rhythm Stick but even though I nearly got there it just didn't sound right played with a pick so I abandoned it before making it home.  One I had to persevere with a couple of years ago was Bon Jovi's Keep The Faith.  I can see that this is so much easier played finger style, just grazing across the strings but as I can't do that with enough control I had to get used to playing it with a pick.  It is not so much about playing the notes, it is more the feel and timing as it is tricky to keep it bouyant and sparkling along.  There are little extra ghost notes here and there that most covers I have heard seem to miss out - even Hughie McDonald does sometimes and he recorded the original! Still, like most things, if you practice enough you get there, it just took me longer with this.  Didn't help that the drummer, who usually plays everything way too slowly, decided to learn this from a speeded up live version and always played it fast!  Maybe I should practice my fingerstyle more!

On 04/12/2017 at 09:32, steve-bbb said:

that widdly bit in the break in 'you can call me al' -  im told it is rerecorded backwards with envelope effects or so me such so you can only play something that sounds close effects wise  - its one of those things that when broken down is deceptively simple but the second part is the first part but inside out and upside down and the more you actively think about it the more it wants to fk up your ear/brain/finger coordination - best to learn very slowly in pieces until you can play it purely from muscle memory without thinking at all

Only ever heard one person play that spot on and it was down at my local on the Isle of Wight many, many moons ago. Mark Kings bro..Nathan. I could not beleive what I was hearing...guy was as good as his brother if not better.


Jeff Berlin’s line to Joe Frazier whilst at university. I don’t particularly like Jeff Berlin, and hated the tune. None of which helped when I was learning it. Did it make me a better player? No, it just intensified my dislike for Jeff Berlin and the tune :).


As a band, the middle bit of Black Betty...if it isn't absolutely bang on and clean, it's a car crash; there's no middle ground.

On my own, anything discotastic with with 2-1 octaves*...I play too much with a pick for that to be easy with fingers, and with a pick it's even worse... 

Oh, and the fill in You Can Call Me Al...I beat myself up about that for ages until I went onto YouTube and watched everyone else (including Paul Simon's band live) make a balls of it, too... :D


* You know, the whole 'dee-dee-dum' thing...

On 12/4/2017 at 18:05, TheGreek said:

I still have issues with "Babylon is burning" by The Ruts - I know all the bits but have problems stringing it all together....annoying isn't the word.

I know what you mean, I think Segs Jennings play it all down strokes, but I can't do it so resort to up and down and it's not quite the same, some songs I can play on a good day but always liable to trip up, the intro to In the city being one, can't do I Saw Her Standing There either, but I use the excuse Macca's playing a short scale bass xD

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