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Boss Tu3 and MXR Envelope Filtrer


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Hello, I am new to this forum and I need help . I have just bought a Boss TU-3 Tuner and i just ordered a MXR Envelope filtrer(it's on his way) for bass. I didn't bought an adapter for any of them. I don't know exactly how this stuff goes. The both pedals are on 9V, so I need an adapter for 9V? On the box of Tu3 it says that it needs a PSA adapter. If I buy one, will it go with the MXR Envelope Filtrer ? If they are chained , the electricity will go in both of them? If someone can please explain to me this part of electricity I would be very grateful

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Each pedal needs 9 volts to run it. Option 1 is to put a 9v battery in each pedal and use a patch lead to link the pedals together. The patch lead carries the signal from one pedal to the next and has nothing to do with the power supply. You can get them from ebay. Alternatively you can use a power supply unit (PSU) which converts mains voltage (240v in UK) to 9v. You can then 'daisy chain' the power supply to more than 1 pedal. You need to know how many mA (milliamps) the PSU puts out and then check on the pedals to see how many mA they draw from the supply. Look up Guitar Power Supply, Patch Lead and Daisy Chain on ebay to see what all these things are.

Edited by Japhet
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If I remember correctly, the TU-3 is one of the Boss pedals that has both a power in and power out socket. So you can use a normal Boss 9V adaptor to power it, then use a daisy chain cable to run from the power out socket of the tuner into the power  in socket of the envelope filter. It'll easily drive those two pedals.

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Ignore the manuals when they tell you to use their own brand adapter, as Boss do. Get a 1-Spot or any other 9V supply with a decent current output and a daisy chain... Or for a little more you can get a unit with switchable voltages and isolated outputs, both of which will be important if you find yourself expanding to a much bigger board as you go deeper down the fx rabbit hole!


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1 minute ago, Quatschmacher said:

If I remember correctly, the TU-3 is one of the Boss pedals that has both a power in and power out socket. So you can use a normal Boss 9V adaptor to power it, then use a daisy chain cable to run from the power out socket of the tuner into the power  in socket of the envelope filter. It'll easily drive those two pedals.

I've never understood the point of those power out sockets though, as you could just as easily put the daisy chain on the power supply before it goes into the pedal. The power out sockets are often limited in output too, I think my Korg Pitchblack one was like 100mA and I blew the output on it!

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