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If it's an error, they don't have to; there was a thing with Dell a few years back where they refused to ship some laptops which were up at a plainly incorrect price.


In the end, if they put the customer in the position they were before they pressed the Buy button, then they've fulfilled their obligations.

I think it's very easy for mistakes to creep in with online sites.


I love the non-customers who try and bang stuff back for refund

just because they've gone off the idea.

I usually get treated to a load of rant and 'I know my rights'

I always suggest that they chat to CAB who can put the thing

up to Trading Standards if it's justified.

Never had one come back at me yet........



The only time this has worked in my favour is Amazon selling the digital download of James Martyn's The Island Years for less than £2. it worked out at about 10p and album! it was soon removed.


28 minutes ago, taunton-hobbit said:

I love the non-customers who try and bang stuff back for refund

just because they've gone off the idea.

I usually get treated to a load of rant and 'I know my rights'

I always suggest that they chat to CAB who can put the thing

up to Trading Standards if it's justified.

Never had one come back at me yet........


Distance selling or in shop?


^^^^^^ Shop. 

Distance selling is covered by a different set of regulations, including the right to return simply unwanted stuff.

Privately, Internet retailers admit that their customers are frequently a nightmare...........



4 minutes ago, roceci said:

There was a part of me hoping they'd honour this just before crimbo...but a bigger part of me knew they wouldn't. Worth a try tho eh.

Like a “first 10 past the post”

to be fair, a mate worked for them for a short while and I know what they paid for their own brand gear...£40 probably isn’t far off.


Years ago, there was a pricing error on a digital camera which someone spread the news about on a newsgroup or two. It was about 50% of what it should have been, so those of us who ordered one were in the position of being able to say that it didn't seem obviously mispriced, and we got them.

6 hours ago, dmccombe7 said:

Think you might be wrong there. I've been in shops and bought something, took it to the checkout and when they scanned it it came up with a higher price. They said they had to sell at the price listed on the item.


Any price listed is an “Invitation to barter” shops don’t have to honour an incorrect price, but you will find a lot of the time they will honour it in the name of customer service.

16 minutes ago, The59Sound said:

I hope G4M takes the money out your accounts and then is slow to repay you once the item is finally cancelled. Bunch of chancers. :D

“I wish I’d have seen it at the time...and had a go...”

pfft. xD

1 hour ago, The59Sound said:

I hope G4M takes the money out your accounts and then is slow to repay you once the item is finally cancelled. Bunch of chancers. :D

And a Happy Christmas to you too.>:(


To be fair to G4M, earlier this year I bought a Squire Jaguar off them. It had a rattling truss rod and  I tried everything to sort it before telling them. They said 'send it back to us and our tech will look at it'' and I said 'OK but whatever you do, I don't want you to send it back to Fender without discussing it with me as I don't want to lose it (due to rosewood board issues it was the last one of that colour in Europe). Naturally they screwed up and sent it back to Fender.. and I went ballistic! They held their hands up:it cost me £175 and they eventually offered to credit me £300 to replace it but there was nothing in a 5 string that I wanted from them, so they gave me the cash to spend elsewhere and I managed to get a sunburst one from Germany.

I guess the bass playing community might not be big enough for them to actually honour the price gaff they have made on the EUB, sometimes the good publicity they get outweighs the loss of profit...

7 minutes ago, la bam said:

They must have made a lot from the free publicity on here regarding the price mix up!

Yeah, publicity that someone in their web office overdosed on mulled wine before putting the Christmas sale on the website 


I like G4M, the service is unbeatable in my experience. I've never had a problem, if you are polite and friendly they go out of their way to help you.

I've bought loads of stuff over the years and sent some of it back for free. Unlike guitar guitar, I wouldn't go there again.

16 minutes ago, tom1946 said:

I like G4M, the service is unbeatable in my experience. I've never had a problem, if you are polite and friendly they go out of their way to help you.

I agree - obviously most companies are good sending something to you, its when something goes wrong that you can see what they are like, and I have never had a problem returning things to G4M, which means they are one of the first people I look at when I want to buy something.


Its a contract nbetween a willing seller and a willing buyer so not they dont have to honour the price. Before incompetent staff and crap computers got involved I think there was a sort of unwritten rule in retail that people would honour erroneous prices but that was also in the days of keystone pricing, 2.5 time markup over cost! There is a lot less fat to play with these days.

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