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presicion bass


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went to local pmt store today to try the classic vibe 60's p-bass and was very impressed by it.lovely to play ,the neck is'nt as fat as a normal precision but is glossed for quick neck action.only thing i slightly took a dislike to was the orangey colour of the head.imo the 50's vibe p bass looked better but sounded slightly worse with a different pup to the 60's one.also tryed a highway1 which infact sounded the best,(£300 more tho!)tryed a MIM p bass as well which was ok but not as good as the squier vibe.so if i decide to go for a precision do i save myself £300 and trust the classic vibe or go for a fender which imho isnt that much better.or go secondhand or option 3 stick with my jazz.although hearing the p bass sound that might not be an option.

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Precisions, decisions.

If you really like the classic vibe and can't go the extra dosh for the Highway, why not get the classic and strip the poly off. You could then wax or oil in a MM stylee. Conversely you could just learn to put up with the colour if you like the feel of the poly. Or option 2, get the '50s vibe and put in a new '62 style p/up. The neck on the '50s will be bigger though.

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so much choice!ive tryed my jazz with just the neck pup but its still not a p sound which i thought i might get when i bought it.forgot to mention that i also tryed a jazz in between the others today and could not believe the difference in sound.looking around the cheapest highway is £450 so i would try and sell the jazz if i went for that but only for the right dosh,or perhaps pick one up secondhand and then have two basses!oh this gas does you in!

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