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Sansamp VTDI question


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I mean it sounds good. The only way you can have the speaker sim off going to your rig is to run dual Sansamps, or maybe go for a Two Notes Le Bass which only applies its speaker sim to the XLR only. But then that's a totally different sound.

I understand not wanting to run a speaker sim into an actual cab, as I felt the same way, but in reality it just sounds good so it's no big deal!

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  • 2 weeks later...

The concept behind our SansAmp DI's was that you would plug your bass into the DI and send the parallel output to your amp and use that as your stage monitor and send the XLR output to the PA. Pretty much the same way you would use any DI. The difference being that now you have a DI with amp emulation and tonal capabilities whereas most DI's just sound like your guitars pickups. 

The 1/4" output allows you to use the pedal into your amp for additional tone shaping etc. The speaker emulation is a fairly mild curve and is designed to work through a traditional bass amp speaker as well as direct. No matter how you slice it, running the same signal to radically different sources like a bass amp with it's own preamp and a flat response PA will always result in a compromise. Removing the speaker sim on the amp input would make the pedal much brighter in which case you would have to compensate by either changing the EQ on your amp or on the pedal. Changing the EQ on the pedal would then change the sound at the PA. This is why we recommend setting the EQ on your bass amp fairly flat when running the pedal in front.

We have many users that run the pedal into their amp as well as the PA and have success. For most situations your sound presented to the audience will be a mix of your stage sound and the PA. 

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