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WMD Protostar


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2 hours ago, Quatschmacher said:

@elephantgrey, @Kev, you both own one of these, or have done. What are your thoughts on this pedal?

I didn't have it for long.  I had a bad taste in my mouth after a fairly terrible experience of trying to get another WMD filter fixed before they l decided to instead send me the protostar prototype to keep instead.  I sold it as I didn't really want it on my board. 

Feelings when I had it? It was a cool filter with lots of interesting stuff going on with that patch bay, but my overriding feeling was it felt like a pedal designed for guitar, and I felt like a lot of the features of the pedal couldn't be taken advantage of with low frequencies.  Not to say it cut low end or anything, in the right settings it didn't at all, but yeah it was overkill for me.  I preferred the Super Fatman. 

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4 minutes ago, Kev said:

I didn't have it for long.  I had a bad taste in my mouth after a fairly terrible experience of trying to get another WMD filter fixed before they l decided to instead send me the protostar prototype to keep instead.  I sold it as I didn't really want it on my board. 

Feelings when I had it? It was a cool filter with lots of interesting stuff going on with that patch bay, but my overriding feeling was it felt like a pedal designed for guitar, and I felt like a lot of the features of the pedal couldn't be taken advantage of with low frequencies.  Not to say it cut low end or anything, in the right settings it didn't at all, but yeah it was overkill for me.  I preferred the Super Fatman. 

Thanks for your reply. I’m sorry you had such a bad experience with them. 

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11 minutes ago, Quatschmacher said:

Thanks for your reply. I’m sorry you had such a bad experience with them. 

It was just bizarre.  They claimed that something had fried part of the circuit board and basically was unrepairable without replacing the whole PCB, which they didn't have anymore as the pedal was discontinued.  After months and months of me chasing a resolution (bearing in mind they possessed my pedal in the US) they eventually just sent the unrepaired pedal back to me with a note saying it was fixed! Obviously, it wasn't in any way fixed, and they didn't really explain at all why they sent it back and said it was repaired, after months of tagging me along and telling me the parts didn't exist anymore to repair.  I honestly think they thought I'd go away. After refusing to the fix the pedal and instead replacing with the protostar, they chose to send me an invoice for the difference in cost of rrps, despite all that had gone on. I paid it, without fuss as I appreciated it was betterment etc, but the whole experience was just not good at all.  I think the weirdest thing about it all was the fact they thought they were doing me a favour. I sent the pedal to them fully expecting to pay for whatever repair was necessary.  If I was expecting free repairs then I would perhaps get the reluctance, but no, just an odd attitude. 

I have never heard any other complaints, so perhaps it was just something about me they didn't like, who knows! Don't like to publicly talk about stuff like this, but sometimes it's not right to hide opinions I guess. 

Edited by Kev
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