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ENTS 24 - ticket agency

Paul S

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Mrs S and I have been using ENTS24 for a while - useful to flag up forthcoming tours etc.  Bought tickets a few times, never been a  problem,.

Back in August via ENTS 24 we bought tickets for Go West/Nik Kershaw/Cutting Crew event at Spotlight in Hoddesdon, gig was 25th January.  Not too far to travel, approx 1hr , not been before but we like to see Go West and Nik Kershaw whenever they are in  striking distance.  Nice Turkish restaurant nearby, as it happened.  As the night approached we kept emailing, asking when the tickets would arrive (no phone number given) - kept being told they weren't issued yet.  Emailed on the Monday before and were told they had been posted.  They didn't arrive.  Emailed on the morning of the gig and were they would be at the box office when it opened at 7:30.  Mrs S had the foresight to print off the entire paper trail to show we had, in fact, bought some tickets for the gig and what a good job as they weren't there.  Luckily for us the manager was there, read through everything we had printed off and let us in.  I am sure he didn't have to.   Next day email to ENTS 24 to say we were a bit miffed not to have got the tickets we paid for.  That we were even more miffed at being lied to about them being posted, and felt that they might like to say something.  Not a word back. 

Now it could be argued that we got in, so no harm done.  The way I saw it was that we paid for tickets that we didn't get, had been told lies, only got in due to the goodwill of the manager at Spotlight and that ENTS 24 didn't give a toss.  We paid by PayPal so I started a dispute to say we didn't get what we paid for.  They completely ignored it but after a few days, I suspect nudged by being contacted by Paypal, sent an email in answer to the one sent a couple of weeks back saying something to the effect that 'stinky poo happens, never mind'.  I upgraded it to a claim and they paid a couple of days later.  So - we got a full refund, also got to see the gig, had a nice dinner and a new venue to add to our list if anything new pops up there.  A happy ending. 

But  I don't think they did a very good job to the point of wanting to share this with you lot - if you buy tickets via ENTS 24 (or maybe even anyone if you haven't got them on the day) there is no guarantee they will arrive so, if they don't, be prepared at the venue box office and cross your fingers.

Edited by Paul S
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