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I recently realised that I need to be able to run two cabs for some gigs so need to get another, however space in the house is running out. I use lightweight ashdown rootmaster 15s which are very compact. I'm thinking if I buy a big plastic storage box that clips shut I could store my cabs in the loft or garage. My garage leaks and is cold, my loft doesn't leak and isn't as cold so I'm thinking that's a better option. The big rig really only comes out for gigs, I have a practice amp for home playing. 

Is there any reason why storing in a cold environment such as the loft could be a bad idea?


Loft sounds better to me!......sounds crazy, but i would put cat litter in a cotton bag in the box with your cab as this with soak up moisture with the temperature

changes.....replace it every couple of months etc


Without wishing to state the obvious, lofts are only cold in the winter.  In the summer they can get very hot.

I have kept my cabs in the garage in all seasons for decades and never had an issue.  They are off the ground and wearing padded covers though.  

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It's not the heat or the cold that does the damage, it's rapid change.

Damp, on the other hand, is always an issue.

Storing your cabs in the loft is a great idea, until it's time to get them out for a gig and put them back afterwards. Life's too short.

If your garage leaks but has enough space, then pop down to Homebase or somewhere and buy something like https://www.homebase.co.uk/keter-store-it-out-max-garden-storage-beige-green-1200l_p261326?_$ja=tsid:|cid:1047006610|agid:57097309091|tid:pla-406065586939|crid:247522970063|nw:g|rnd:5707226675572190921|dvc:c|adp:1o1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAuP7UBRDiARIsAFpxiRIPNa2AbdcgYwIe9ryQznkOB1JvT6dUQL-ZT8V9IdZ590d3SVR7o3QaAiAwEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds&dclid=CJ79wKP42dkCFTUh0wodSUsOAA

I stored my cabs like this for years in an unheated garage with no ill effects at all.




My loft is well insulated which makes it as cold as the garage. The other draw back is I have to use a ladder to get into my loft. Do you have stairs to get into yours?

Anyway my suggestion is: fix the leaks in your garage (I'd be doing this anyway).

Store some of the other stuff that's taking up space in the house, in the garage.

Keep both cabs in your now decluttered house.

Job done.

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I stored my markbass amp in the garage for a few years. It was wrapped in plastic and inside a box. The garage gets very cold in the winter but is dry. Just took it out a couple of weeks ago and fired it up. It works fine. Getting a amp into the loft? Depends upon access to the loft, I suppose.


Thanks for all contributions. The cabs are light and can be handled one-handed so getting them up the ladder in to the loft would be ok. My garage won't get repaired because I want it knocked down in a year or so so we can have a decent sized kitchen built as an extension. Right now I also think my garage is easy to break in to, not that it has been, but it could be. I won't leave in the car because I need the car space for baby stuff and I don't want to attract burglars to my car. The storage box idea for the garage is good though, might try that.


Keep it in the house and hide it in plain sight. Put it next to the sofa with a cloth over it, tell her indoors it's a new table. She'll be delighted. I kept a half-finished cab in the conservatory for ages with a table lamp on it, she didn't notice it for years...

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On the small off chance you haven't already thought of it or it just isn't appropriate, we had the bit under the stairs blocked in with a folding door at the front.  I use a wheeled dolly thingumajig to slide the second cab and least used stuff to the back and the regularly used stuff at the front.

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