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Posted (edited)

I really want to get the above pedal, and mainly for phasing, but it would have to replace my TC Chorus. Im just wondering how close it can get to a pretty basic chorus effect.

Other option is to get the Source Audio Lunar, but thats a bit more money. I think its better for my needs, and a lot more programmable,  but im not sure how much ill really use the pedal anyway, so id rather pay a bit less.


I cant believe im even looking at getting a Phaser. The last one i had was a Boss one back in the 70's.

Edited by dave_bass5

Unless it's going to be a key part of your sound, I'd have thought a Zoom MS-60B is really all you need? I think even the basic multi-fx are pretty good at delay, chorus, tremolo, tuning and EQ; they just struggle to match the dedicated pedals on some of the trickier stuff - synth, dirt, octaver and arguably compression.

Just trying to save you a few £££'s :D

  • Thanks 1
Posted (edited)

Well as it happens I’m siting here now with the 60B on my board. Ive found the Phasers but I’m a bit underwhelmed with them. Good fun playing with but not a patch on the demos I’ve seen of the other two. I don’t want all that wobbly stuff, just classic phaser with the ability to mix in the direct signal, be able to EQ the effect to help even it out, and have one or two variations on tap. I also like the Envelope function the Lunar has. Could be handy in the funkier songs. 

Yeah, its just GAS, but after watching a few reviews on the above two, I think iPhase is the effect I could (over) use. I would want chorus on lay on a couple of songs, and I know the Lunar can do this as well as Phase. 

Edited by dave_bass5

Does it do an actual chorus sound, or is it more a case of a phaser is close enough to do the job?

I much prefer phaser to chorus on bass anyway,


Yeah, its more phaser that sounds close enough. I was comparing it to my Corona this afternoon, and while the Corona is a true chorus i still preferred the phaser on ‘wobble mode’

I’m not sure how useful the Tone print aspect on this pedal is, it seems a bit pointless, as there is so much variation between the two presets. 

 Ive had a few chorus pedals over the years, never given phaser a thought. It seems like the sound in my head has been phaser all along. I sort of wish i had got the Lunur now, which does do chorus I believe, but I’m having a lot of fun with the Helix and its going to get a lot of (over) use. 

Every time i turn on the Smooth setting I find my mouth makes an ‘O’shape lol. Its a fantastic effect, although i dont think ill use that setting much. 


The Lunar can be reprogrammed into being any of the Source Audio modulation pedals I believe, so chorus, flanger, phaser or tremolo. Although it can only be one of these at a time, so no having phaser on one preset and chorus on another!

33 minutes ago, dannybuoy said:

The Lunar can be reprogrammed into being any of the Source Audio modulation pedals I believe, so chorus, flanger, phaser or tremolo. Although it can only be one of these at a time, so no having phaser on one preset and chorus on another!

Ah, that was how i would have wanted to use it. To be honest I’m happy with the Helix.....for now. 


I've didn't think it was possible to get a Gemini chorus, Lunar phaser, and Mercury flanger preset all available simultaneously - but if it is, that's great!


A bit like the Aftershock, LA Lady and Kingmaker, the modulation pedals all have the same choice of effect types.


  • Thanks 1
Posted (edited)

Ahh phasers...takes me back to my first six string electric as a youff!  Was definitely all the rage way back then...are you planning on getting your flares out too, Dave? 😄  

Edited by Al Krow

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