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started on bass - my mates all played guitar so i got a bass and was almost instantly in a band.

Bought a guitar probably within a couple of years,in theory to help write songs and learn more about music, but by then was in a more serious band and bass playing took all of my energy and focus and I never devoted much time to it.  And then the guitar was p/x'd when I needed to pay to get my bass amp repaired (leaving me with a very nice old '70's Marshall guitar combo that I had for a few years without actually owning a guitar to play through it).

Got back into the guitar when I came into some money a couple of decades ago and really took to it (half the cash went on a Wal, half on a Les Paul).  I still think of myself as a bass player, and wouldn't compare myself to most of the guitarists that I play in bands with (or rather, it's become a test - if the guitarist in question isn't as good at the guitar as me, then they're not good enough to be in my band), but have played guitar in a band, and can hold my own.  My "noodling around at home" go to instrument, especially for song writing, is a very nice Lowden acoustic.

In my personal experience my bass playing has become better as my guitar playing has improved, but possibly that's more to do with me becoming a better musician overall.  I doubt that my 20 year old self would agree that it's down to the guitar playing


Wanted to play the drums as a kid but believed my parents when they said that "I would get bored very quickly" - obviously parent code for too bloody noisy. Never picked up a musical instrument until aged 39 and picked the bass as always liked the bass lines that John Taylor played in DD (always played a mean air bass - always fingerstyle :D) - no idea about playing a guitar though but only play in a covers band, so can wing it

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