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Help, i simply can't make my mind up. The honeymoon period is over with my Warwick Streamer S1 I acquired last month. I've decided that one is a keeper for now, I love it, sits great in a rock covers band I'm playing with.

Wife has now caught up on the accounts and reminded me that I said I would sell a bass upon the purchase of said Streamer. So which one to go of the residual stock - tough decision:

I have a Stingray, barely use it but i like it's looks (Blue) and if i haven't got a Stingray i always want one, probably best this one remains plus it is well beaten so probably worth more to keep than sell.

It's going to have to be between my sunburst Fender J or Sunburst P then, but which one to go???

First up: Fender J, My Pro'sĀ  Highly rated post 2012 model (2015) with the 60's PU's, rosewood neck, versatile, not too heavy. Con's don't like the raised pole pieces on the PU's, super clean so fear of scratching it. Probably worth around Ā£875 ish i reckon

Second up: Fender P 2008 model, Pro's Simple to use being a P,Ā  good bass for the occasional deps i do with my old functions band (50's, 60's music), has a Lollar pick up upgrade. Con's Maple board (prefer rosewood) Prob worth around Ā£800 ish i reckon

Which one to sacrifice to the sales guillotine ...help!



Guest Briton
Posted (edited)


Edited by Briton

Iā€™d sell the Warwick lol

But if thatā€™s a ā€˜keeperā€™, and you love Stingrays, sell the Jazz. Always have a PrecisionĀ šŸ˜‰


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You should sell the Jazz as that seems to be the least used / attached to.

But you have such a great selection that it is a pity to sell any of it.

Have you looked into covering that Ā£800-ish you'd get for the jazz in other ways? Like selling other bass related stuff or such?Ā Ā 

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Iā€™d say the P will sell faster.

But it seems what you really need is to sell both and get a sunburst P with a rosewood neck :)

  • Thanks 1
23 minutes ago, Skybone said:

Sell both the P and the J.

Then buy a sunburst P with a rosewood fretboard.

Thatā€™s what I meant :D

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21 hours ago, Raslee said:

Wife has now caught up on the accounts and reminded me that I said I would sell a bass upon the purchase of said Streamer. So which one to go of the residual stock - tough decision:

They always say that - just forget - then buy another one.Ā Works for meĀ šŸ˜‰

Personally I would sell the Warwick as a P, a J & a Stingray are essential. Difficult decision - good luck!

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Thanks for the replies guysĀ  - the humorous ones too šŸ˜, plenty of food for thought there. Despite historically being a strong jazz bass man (all my fav's play jazzes), i am leaning towards keeping the P...bit of a late P convert if I'm honest. That said I like the idea of perhaps selling both and getting a P with a rosewood neck.

Have to say though I'm quite smitten with the Warwick Streamer S1 at the moment. I have also got a Vander End which is my modding bass (has had lots of mods before my time), and is currently set up as a PJĀ  but it can easily be set back to a jazz if I need a jazz option....I guess I should have mentioned about that in my original post, that one has a maple neck too - it feels like it's been somehow relegated that bass but it's such a great bass and again probably not going to sell that one.

Yep, I think in reading and reflecting upon your replies above and typing this up I've made up my mind to sell the Jazz and put the P up for sale or trade for another P with a rosewood neck. Thanks chaps...I think I've got there but will still sleep on it. Incidentally I did say to the wife they may not sell for a while šŸ˜†

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Personally I'd sell the Wick and get yourself a much better, thru neck Spector but since that's unlikely have you considered finding a decent PJ that you like then let one of the Fenders go?

On 09/06/2018 at 00:03, chris_b said:

Sell he bass you play the least.

Has to be the most realistic way of looking at it.

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Posted (edited)

Wow, Ā that must be a hard choice to make when it doesn't sound like you really want to sell either.
Fortunately, whenever my other half knows I'm interested in another bass, she encourages me to buy it, she even comes along with me to collect it.!!!

Edited by jazzyvee

At the risk of exposing my ignoranceĀ about these two basses, I'd be inclined to swap the necks and get the maple neck on the jazz bass then sell the P bass. šŸ™‚

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