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TNT : Same league as UPS


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TNT called me this morning to tell me they were going to deliver the second parcel that wasn't delivered Friday. In fact, I had to receive 112 kilos in two parcels (my new hi-fi speakers ordered directly at the factory as there is no dealer over here in Belgium). Friday I only got one speaker, the driver saying I will get the remaining missing part on Monday. I just kindly made him notice that the delivered part is exactly the half weight of what I was supposed to get. How could he forget to take the second half is a mystery to me. Ok, I can wait, even if I hate when parcels stay in warehouses over the weekend.

So, as it was supposed to arrive during the day according to the phone call, I waited all day long, until a bit before 6 in the evening, when I checked the tracking I saw that it had not been delivered because the store was closed !?! Hey guys, I'm no store at all...

I gave a phone call to the local TNT warehouse (30 minutes from home) and waited something like 10 minutes before someone answered. I explained that I had been waiting all day long for a ghost deliverer and the answer was as simple as "Sorry, he didn't have the time to deliver your parcel".

I asked the girl on the phone if she finds it acceptable to tell people to stay home all day long to wait for a parcel that a lazy driver decided not to deliver without even giving a phone call to tell that he was unable to do it for any reason.

No, I'm the culprit as he checked the "Store closed" box without even passing by.

I was really upset and asked for a delivery tomorrow with a narrower schedule time. Sorry, but TNT procedure is between 9 in the morning and 6 in the evening... and our drivers don't have company cell phones to call the clients. That's what I call a great service. We take your money, thanks for that you fool.

So who is the best at being dumb : UPS or TNT ?

We are living in a really strange world where nobody gives a sh*t about anything and certainly not doing their job.

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Every courier is simultaneously described as utterly shite and amazingly awesome.


It's a coin flip - very time. I've sent hundreds of parcels with Parcel Force... then they killed a Ashdown Cab I sent. Cost me money and I was very annoyed. But that was less than 1% of the time.

I've never had a problem with UPS or TNT. Again - probably the odds currently in my favour.


They are all great.... until they are not.

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You know I've sent and received thousands of parcels, but these days the deliverers are just getting stupider and lazy, simply not doing their job.

And by the way, the girl on the phone has also told me that TNT has been bought by FedEx...

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Tony, I could have relayed the same story, word for word, about numerous couriers. As somebody hinted, it's a hit and miss relationship at best.

I'm fortunate that having couriered MANY items I now have a good relationship with my local drivers - I have an unusual surname so they recognise items coming to me. We joke about me ordering parts for the nuclear bomb I'm building. Ice creams for them on hot summers days also help. So this end of the chain is good - but I have no control in what happens between the sender and various warehouses prior to the item getting to my local depot.. 

Come the day when somebody invents the "Beam me up Scotty" Transporter we'll be able to stick two fingers up to couriers...till then we put out trust (and items) in their hands. 


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I offer them coffee on cold days and refreshing drinks on hotter ones. Most of them are fine and we always talk a bit about the astonishing amount of parcels they deliver to me, so they know me. The problem is the new ones who are just so ... dumb and selfish. They really don't give a sh*t about their job.

And I'm really fed up by this lack of responsibility, why telling crap when it's so easy to say "Sorry, I had an awful day and just couldn't deliver your parcel. I will do it tomorrow for sure, don't worry, is it ok for you ?"

I've always built good relationship with these people having sh*tty jobs, because I know it's hard for them. But please do respect me the way I'm respecting you, that's all I ask.

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I've had several things delivered and collected by UPS in the last week, and I have to say that based on that very small sample, they do an excellent job. Probably down to the individual driver, as he has called back later in the day when he found no one at home at nine AM, and on one occasion, stopped in the street and delved in the back of the truck to pass my package into the car I was in. Definitely a great level of personal service, though I suspect that's just the way he is, a decent and caring bloke who likes to do his job to the best of his ability. 

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Got TNT again this morning on the phone, telling me the same crap, but the girl who is at the depot, was way clever than the one I got yesterday and asked the new driver (who started yesterday) who hasn't gone at the moment why he didn't deliver the parcel yesterday. He answered that's because the STORE was closed. Then the magic happened !

She told her, I'm no store and that I waited all day long, and sadly for him at the time he mentioned the police was here for a (long lasting) sewer problem. So he was trapped and finally admitted that he didn't even passed by, because he wanted to be home early...

It should be delivered today, so let's see what will happen.

I told you, new drivers don't give a sh*t about doing their job the right way and they do have company cell phones : really sad world we're living in.

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it's not a job I’d fancy doing to be honest. There seems to be more and more online shopping meaning more and more parcels, but are they recruiting more delivery staff and making their rounds smaller? Probably not that would eat into their profits, let’s have more parcels delivered by the same number of drivers.

Surely the driver has a list of his drop-offs? Wouldn’t it, or shouldn’t it say on that X2?

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So you lot giving them hot drinks and ice creams are the ones meaning the last few deliveries don't get made!!??! ;)

It's one of those things where they pay awful money to people and so they get guys rushing it and not caring. Some of these companies pay the drivers 5p per delivered parcel, I got that for my paper round as a kid over twenty years ago!

I've had a driver shout at me because it took him three goes to deliver to me (I only work from home every now and then, not my fault) and I've had Hermes actually drop a parcel through a window five and a half foot off the floor, luckily not damaging anything in my house ... And the parcel wasn't for me!!! It wasn't even for a similar address. They had no reason to be anywhere near my house, they must have just seen the open window as an opportunity to chalk off a "left with neighbour" even if that means ten minutes walk away from destination!

In summary: dodgy payment practices and high pressure creates risk of low quality work. Also, we all have lots of horror stories. I guess you just cannot rely on them at all. 

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Second speaker delivered sound and safe. I had a talk with the driver and he even helped me to put it in the house. I offered him a drink and he explained me that he was in a rush yesterday and shouldn't have ticked the "OC" box, which means Office Closed, but he didn't even know the meaning of what he was ticking...

He really was so sorry about what happened that I could even feel his "sorrow".

So case closed.

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At work I’ve dealt with DHL (“Dispatch It, Hide It, Lose It”), UPS (we all know the acronym @Dood came up with!), TNT (“Totally Not Trustworthy”), DPD, DX, Tufnell, Parcelfarce..... blah blah.

They all have good days and bad. Parcelfarce once delivered £10k worth of bespoke equipment to a front garden. UPS went through a phase of not collecting. DX couldn’t find a customer with whom we’d been dealing for 30 years.

Everyone is human and it sounds in the OP’s case the the driver has apologised which is good, but sometimes the customer service can feel exasperating.

It’d be nice if all these courier woes needed happily really!

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