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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's the most boring list ever...since 2000 when I start playing:

1) Tanglewood Rebel 4K - first bass, Xmas present from the folks. Ended up putting Dimarzio P + J pickups in it, stripping the neck and hand rubbing tung oil into it and learning how to do setups on the thing. Didn't play well but with the Dimarzio's actually sounded fantastic. Sold it for £75 after not playing it for over a year, as I'd bought...

2) Spector REX 2000/5 - still got this, it was my first "proper" bass and a really good investment. Dropped EMG's into it, did 18V mod and added Fretware (now defunct). Recently retired to practicing and teaching.

3) Spector NS-JH5CM Fretless - One of my main live basses and one of the last all-maple US Bolt On Spectors. World-class quality and tone and playability to kill for. Still got, as was my first endorsement bass from Spector.

4) Spector Euro 5LX - just arrived, will be my main fretted bass. Got on artist deal ala the US bass, got black hardware with it. Initial impressions are very good as it has nickel Spector strings on and I NEED steels.

My amp/effect history is a little more exciting....


I've had only a few in my 5 years playing.

1st: Encore P bass, loved it, sold it to a mate for £50 to fund...

2nd: MIM fretless jazz. I really didn't know what fretless really meant in terms of sound, or what a jazz bass was good for but I loved it too. prettiest bass ever in 'agave blue'

3rd: I had an obsession with 5 strings at some point, so I bought a dean 5er that I still do not know the name of...just said 'dean' on its oddly shaped headstock. Great sounding bass other than the B which was horrific. Very clean active sound, but it made me want something simpler, so I sold it (for double what I payed) to buy...

4th: MIJ P bass. Have it still, it's a p bass. Super cool, love it.

5th: MM stingray 4. Love it love it love it love it. Sparkly and orange, funkiest monster in the universe.

6th: I really had the whole MM thing going on so I bsold my jazz to buy a fretless ray. This is the nicest bass I have ever played...so effortless and you can literally feel the quality in your hands. Natural with incredible birdseye neck.

That leaves me with the P, and 2 rays. I want a bongo 5HH, 4H and a G&L JB-2. Then I'm set for basses.

  • 2 weeks later...

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