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Split signal chain


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I’m currently in the market for a multi effects unit for bass and as such have watched lots of YouTube reviews etc. My problem is this, I have seen a video where the demo included the reviewer splitting the signal chain on an effect patch giving him a clean bass sound and a driven sound simultaneously, this is exactly what I need but can’t find the video or any effects unit capable of this! If this rings a bell with anyone please let me know, I’m starting to think I dreamed it! Had a feeling it was a zoom unit but can’t find it again. Tia Martin

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Welcome to basschat, Martin! 

I don't think that the Zoom can do parallel chains, which is what I think you are looking for? The Zoom B3n is their flagship multifx for bass and you can certainly reorder the sequence of effects but it is all "in series".

I suspect what you're after is a Line6 Helix multifx and there's a family of pedals available here, none of them cheap! :) 

I'd recommend checking out the Helix Stomp and the Helix HX as your starting points. (There's actually a couple of Helix HX going in the effects FS section, although I've gone for the more compact Stomp).

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Yes, as Al said the zooms don't do that directly although all of the effects have  a balance of how much of the original goes through (as do a lot of drive pedals). You can also use the zoom frequency splitter to only effect part of the signal although less successfully.The Helixes do that very well, and was my real reason for getting one so I can have the high frequencies distorted and the lows compressed. You can of course use a zoom and a small mixer to achieve a similar thing. 

Do you not find it if you look in history 'watched videos' in youtube?

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Thanks for the welcome and the advice! I appreciate you taking time to give it, I am currently playing in a trio and wanted to limit the drop out when our guitarist takes a solo, thought I’d seen a multi fx unit which could do this but it wasn’t the line 6 because I hadn’t heard of this till today, I did like the look of the b3n but I’m not sure it would do the job I need, I’ll need to try some out to see what suits best, thought I’d ask on here first though because it’s difficult to tell how something will sound live when trying in a store. Thanks again guys👍🏼

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36 minutes ago, bartelby said:

Can the B3n not do a global blend? The old B3 can.

Good point.

I was focusing on the requirement to split the signal chain - I guess to give a "true" wet/dry blend done in parallel rather than a "synthetic" wet dry/blend done within an effects patch.

There are plenty of B3n patches where you can dictate the wet/dry balance including many of the drive patches.

If that's all that's needed then, agreed, nothing further required.

Does the old B3 do something more i.e. allow a separate clean blend, if so that sounds like a useful extra not present in its successor?


Edited by Al Krow
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I would advise against that unless you plan on buying two multis and put one in each loop. The digital processing introduces a slight processing delay, if you blend that with the immediate analog signal you will get comb filtering effects.

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