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Is this criminal?

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Having gone through life (thus far) having avoided glass-related self-abuse I'm going to be wilfully different & say no. Or at least, not necessarily.

Hard to really tell from the pics, but it does look like it's been competently done, and if the bass still plays OK then that's fine. Also depends why - if it suffered catastrophic headstock damage then this might've been the best way to rescue it. Have to say I might have a different view if the bass was an original 80s MIJ BB, though...

Also bear in mind this is the opinion of someone who once did this to an unsuspecting SG copy:



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3 minutes ago, alyctes said:

Jon does like the shiny though :)

Guilty as charged...

It's worse than you think, though, it's actually flourescent yellow - you wanna see it under UV light...


On second thoughts, you probably don't, do you? :D


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1 hour ago, Bassassin said:

Also bear in mind this is the opinion of someone who once did this to an unsuspecting SG copy

When I first read this I was appalled that somebody could do this...then I realised it was ONLY a guitar...you're forgiven.


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2 minutes ago, Geek99 said:

I’ve just lost my eyesight ... that is vile

And now you've hurt its feelings. :(

In  fairness - it was the victim of a catastrophic headstock break, as well as me, 35 years ago, not being able to afford a proper headless...

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