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Posted (edited)

Hi you jolly helpful lot!!

Im after something essentially to add distortion and compression to my sound.

i currently have the option to buy either the Boss Me20b at a low 2nd hand price or save a little more for the Electro Harmonix Battalion.

Iā€™m afterĀ peopleā€™s opinion on the compression and overdrive facilities of the Boss compared to the ehx.

Iā€™ve not got the facility to try both at the same time to compare.

Before anyone suggests- yes Iā€™d prefer a Darkglass B3k and additional compressor but funds donā€™t stretch!!



Edited by Orphius75

How aboutĀ a Zoom B3n or B1Four.Ā  They haveĀ a model of a B3K and B7K that's very very close to the original, plus a ton of compressors and other toys.

I'm going to be putting up my B3n for sale, but the B1Four is much cheaper and compact if you don't need multiple stomp switches that make it better for live use.

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Thanks dannybuoy,

I'm not envisaging that I'll need all that many effects- I have switched from playing guitar and am rather enjoying not having to mess with multiple fx!!

The Zoom B3n does look an interesting unit esp. as you mentioned the Darkglass emulations- Are you in a position having had both to say how good the emulation is?

Basically I'd like simple setup consisting of a distortion, preamp and possibly a compressor. This is why the Battalion looks interesting.

I play metal/death metal and have a Hartke HA 3000 and 4.5XL & 2x15Ā so don't need amp/cab simulation. - Like the Alex Webster setup- a Bassbone into a B3K and then a Radial DI to split the Pre B3k from the distorted signal. Sadly this set up would be in excess of Ā£500!!


A cab sim is still pretty useful if sending a feed to the PA, but only if you can split it so that the cab sim only goes to the PA and not your amp. The Zoom doesn't have such flexible routing possibilities, although the Line6 Helix HX Stomp does!

The B7K in both the Helix and the B3n are so close to the real thing you'd be hard pressed to tell the difference. I have tested the Helix vs. the DI out of the M900 amp (which is effectively a B7K Ultra with a power section) and couldn't really tell the difference. I've also pitted the B3n against my real B3K and preferred the B7K model (even with the EQ set flat it sounds different to the B3K model).Ā 

The Zoom units are worthy of purchase based on the B7K sim alone in my opinion! For a metal bassist on a budget I don't think you can do much better.

  • Thanks 1

Ok Dannybuoy thanks for all the advice but the Battalion won!!

In the end it was the price (got a next to new one for Ā£90),

the fact it had just the fx I was after no more, no less (gate, comp, dist and eq),

and after reading around including a piece by yourself that highlighted the usefulness of a DI out (esp when youā€™ve got an older amp head like mine, should your rig die on stage!!

ive listened to a lot of YouTube reviews and everyone seem to be able to dial in the sound Iā€™m after.

i did try it in the shop I always feel rushedĀ so video reviews are great!!

ill let you know after rehearsal a week on Sunday if Iā€™ve done the right thing!!!

  • 2 weeks later...

Ok update- got the Battalion and as the seller advertised it was mint condition.

i had watched a couple of YouTube reviews and dialled in the same settings as the the sound I most preferred and there it was- just as I wanted it coming out of my rig!!

ive always been weary of using gear to make you sound better- I had a H&K guitar rig with midi board and boss GT6 when I played guitar and I couldnā€™t get any better sound than if I had a line6 combo!!

i was worried that my Hartke rig with my SR500 just sounded flat, ordinary, no pazazz!! I was worried it was just how I play!!!

this however is different- the compressor was a big part of what I was missing. Add to this a little touch of growl from the distortion and the fact you can split the signal so the dry bass sound has the EQĀ and the distortion just gets added later and bam I instantly sounded better, more professional and more importantly, how I wanted to sound.

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I like the eq switch on the Battalion very much: it makes it prettyĀ versatile. Whatā€™s the range on the comp and gate like for one dial each?

  • Like 1

The gate is a little limited with being a single knob. I found that it was cutting off sustained tones too early. Itā€™s good basically to kill the sound when your not playing at all but lacks to controls to do much mid song. I therefore have it backed off quite a bit.

The compressor is much better as a one dial solution. I have it on fairly high, turned all the way clockwise nearly. This is partly because I play metal but also because Iā€™m a relative beginner andĀ my fingers areĀ still in theirĀ infancy regarding controlling the nuances playing dynamically!!!

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