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Birthday soon - I hit 61 next week. And starting to feel my age.

I invested in new gear just a little while back, but I did think twice, on the grounds of "Is this a bit of a luxury? - how much longer am I going to be doing this?"

However, I had a bit of change of heart this week. About 6 weeks ago, I was asked to dep for a rehearsal big band. Show tunes, Miller, Basie, etc. Went OK, though if I'm honest I'm not a good enough sight-reader for that gig. Age-wise, I fit in pretty well, maybe even a bit younger than some of 'em.

Afterwards, I passed over my card to the leader for future use and he noted that I also play guitar. Since their regular guitarist had done the off, I've been sitting in on guitar since then.

This week, the regular bassist was once again absent, but I was asked to stay on the guitar as they'd sorted out another bassist.

And this guy turned up - smashing old gent he was, name of Ray. Had a Fender Modern Player Jazz, Polytone Amp and got the closest sound to an upright that I've ever heard emerge from a bass guitar. I had a chat with him at the break and when he realised that I too was a bassist, we talked about that and I complimented him on his sound. He said that he wasn't all that happy with bass guitar - he'd played string bass (i.e. upright) for 50 years! Clearly I had a "Well how old are you then?" expression on my face, because he told me he's 88!!!!! Eighty - flippin' - eight!!

So, still playing , sight-reading like a boss, driving to the gig, all at nearly 90 years old!....Ray, you are my new inspiration, sir.  And I hope I'm still above ground and playing that well in nearly 30 years time!!!

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What a cheat, taking a 27-year head start. You just keep practising, and you'll be as good or better! 😉

Great story. Thanks for posting it.

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  • Haha 2

That's great...

On the other end of the spectrum...When you want to be demoralised watch some YT videos with 8 year olds flying all over the fretboard without thinking...as if it's what you're supposed to do...:facepalm:

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My first gig at 17 was in a big band. I was the youngest by about 40 years but they were the guys who had been there at the time so to speak and had some amazing stories.

It's a very different gig to playing in rock bands & doing weddings. Much more relaxed and usually a great laugh. The band leader was always telling me to turn down but the sax players would always turn round to me and tell me to turn back up 

I was in that band for a couple of years and learnt a great deal in that time. 

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Great story....and like yourself hope i'm fit and well enough to still play to a ripe old age, i'm slightly younger than you at 57 and haven't played 'live' for over 4 years and do miss it.

3 hours ago, ambient said:

My regular jazz gig is with guys all well into their 70s. One of my students is 82.

I was 82 once 







I raced karts and 82 was my club race number B|

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