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So I've got a Harley Benton EUB, have owned it for a few years but it never came with the spacer arm bar/rest thingy which wasn't really a problem before but I'm now gigging with it more and more and on some songs the bass has a tendency to spin which I have to correct with pushing my knee against it's back.

Not ideal.

So what I'm after is some assistance in making a replacement, happy to get some metal tubing and bend to the correct shape but having a starting place would be handy so does anybody have any sort of dimensions for the bar?

Attached are some pics from Google images of the bass with and without the bar...



The elegant solution used on the Aria would be the best way to go but some folks on here have used a "T" shaped endpin to prevent the spinning of EUB's and that might work as a temporary method. A short piece of steel is welded to the endpin, in fact at least one EUB comes with the endpin built this way. 

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Thanks Mangotango and Staggering On, I think I'm going to have to raid the local Wickes store for some copper piping and start bending things around, at least as a first step, I like the depth of the Aria solution, having something a little thicker than 20mm would be nice... I'll keep this post updated once I've started looking into it.


Here's the bar that I got with my 3rd hand harley benton.  If you think of it as a letter C then the height of the C is 30cm.  (See crappy photo.)

The bottom of the C sticks out about 28cm from the angle.

The top of the C sticks out about 18cm from the angle.

The pipe is around 12mm diameter.

I don't use the metal thing, I found it a bit uncomfortable.   I bodged together a wooden rest out of bit of pine and some wooden dowel.  My DIY skills are terrible but it works OK. I painted it black, same as the bass, and it looks ok.  (Needs a new lick of paint).


harley benton rest.jpeg

Harley benton bodge.jpeg

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