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Oversized nut slots can be a good thing


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A little while back I bought a cheap Resolution P fretless 4 string bass to convert to BEAD tuning. Which I did, filing the nut slots out for the wider strings.

I tried it but I didn't like the sound, so I put the usual EADG flat wounds back on, even though they were loose in the nut since I'd filed the slots out.

When I played the bass I got a great sound, a muffled thud more like a DB than a fretless. Best sound - for me - ever, and one I've been looking for since taking up bass 9 years ago.

Although I loved the sound I felt guilty at having a nut with over-wide slots so this weekend I replaced the old nut with a new one filed to the correct widths for the strings.

Result: Unhappiness. Yes the bass was much clearer.  But there was mwah and altogether too much clarity, even with the flats, which I didn't like.

So I put the old nut with the oversized slots back in.  Result:  Happiness.  Muffled double bass sound with just the right amount of edge for my ear.  And virtually no mwah - although that MAY because the original nut had slot heights of 1/2 mm across the border; with the new nut I'd gone right down to the board on two strings.   

Who'd have thought, ay?   If you want a DB sound, it helps to let your strings slap a little in the nut, apparently. And don't file the slots too low.

Great when you stumble across serendipity.


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