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Just got me a Mini KP and I have to say, it's a lot of fun, (and the hold function is rather handy for my plan) however, it does seem to have the issue that whatever you put through it, the volume seems to drop by about 50% or so. IS there any way I can rectify this, besides just turning the amp up more?


Not tried one myself, but I wouldn't plug straight into one with a passive bass because I don't think it has a very high impedance input. If you are doing this then maybe a buffer or boost pedal first in line would help out. If the KP's bypass is a bit of a tone sucker then putting it in the loop of a Boss LS-2 Line Selector would let you bypass it more cleanly and also allow you to adjust your separate volumes between having it engaged/disengaged.


I wouldn't bother - a DI box converts your signal to a low impedance balanced signal, which isn't necessarily at line level. I don't even think the Kaoss has balanced inputs so it would be a waste of time. You either need a preamp, or a clean boost pedal, or I reckon the Boss LS-2 would also do the trick.


Right, I see. I've just had a thought; would one of [url="http://www.andertons.co.uk/acatalog/info_NANOSIGNALPAD.html?utm_source=googlebase&utm_medium=pricecomp&utm_content=allproducts&utm_campaign=googlebaseNANOSIGNALPAD"]these[/url] work, if I put it just after the Kaoss Pad in the chain? That way it could boost the volume back up to where it originally was, without interfereing with the rest of the pedals...


That pedal does not boost, it just reduces volume - it says 'passive attenuator'. Check out a MXR Micro Amp or Catalinbread Serrano Picoso (I just sold one of these on the forum!) or just search for clean boost pedals.

Also, does the volume drop when the signal simply passes through the Kaoss Pad, or only when it's turned on? If the KP is screwing with your sound when it's turned off or in bypass mode, then I really recommend the Boss LS-2 instead so you can completely switch the KP out of your signal path when you're not using it.


Ah right.

It seems to generally reduce the volume when the pad is on gnerally (it defaults to bypass when you aren't touching it / it's not on hold), so I guess the LS-2 is the way to go.

So would the Kaoss be in a seperate line by itself? I'm not too up on how the whole line selction thing works.

Cheers for the help!


You just put the KP in one of the loops A or B or the LS-2, and set it to the correct mode that will allow you to switch between that loop and bypass. Then you can set the level control going into the loop with the knob on the pedal.

I've not used a Kaoss Pad though, so maybe someone else can say why you're getting a volume drop.


I had a look on the Korg forums, and it seems that everyone gets this. Can't quite be sure why, but yes.

With the LS-2 can you run both loops at the same time then? So with the KP in one, and the other pedals in the other, is it possible to use both loops together?


Yeah, its possible to use the LS-2 to switch between bypass and a mix between the loops A + B. You use the knobs on the pedal to gain a desirable blend between the 2, boosting your Kaoss Pad to the level you need too. :)


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