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Help regarding Icseni Zoot Bass order


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Greetings Chaps,
I'm writing for any help, advice, experience you may have with contacting Isceni Zoot bass manufacturer Mike Walsh. I don't wish to in any way disparage his character or his basses, every comment I have read regarding his work and his shop on this forum has been positive, so I don't wish to throw the one rotten tomato in the bunch.

I live in Los Angeles, and I placed a high-end custom order with Zoot approximately two years ago which has not been delivered upon. I have had difficulty at times reaching Mike, and as of right now I have been trying to reach him since just after the New Year with no luck.

Obviously, if I could pop over to the shop I would, but my location makes that a near impossibility, though I'm pretty darn close to getting on a plane and knocking on the door. I assume this has mostly to do with the high demands of being a top bass manufacturer and the time pressures that must involve.

I am less concerned for the eventual delivery of the bass and the quality of the bass which I'm sure will be top notch than I am my mental health. It has been hard being without any communication and all I really want is to be able to talk with Mike and get a status update. The last we talked, which was a bit over a month ago, he seemed to be close to finishing.

so, any help would be appreciated.

Nils van Otterloo

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