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North East Bass Bash - SUNDAY MARCH 1ST

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Posted (edited)

[url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=38494&view=findpost&p=422590"][size=3]Jump straight to reports & Photos[/size][/url]

[url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=38494&view=findpost&p=422590"][size=3]Jump straight to reports & Photos[/size][/url]

Hi all

The first Bass Bash of 2009 is confirmed - Sunday, March 1st, 2pm-5pm. The hall is nice and big, so bring your friends!

Seaton Delaval Arts Centre
Avenue Road
Seaton Delaval
NE25 0DU
[url="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=NE25+0DU&sll=55.073137,-1.525001&sspn=0.026683,0.062656&g=seaton+delaval%5D&ie=UTF8&ll=55.072311,-1.525919&spn=0.006671,0.015664&t=h&z=16&iwloc=addr"]clicky for map[/url]

It's not far from Blyth, Cramlington and Whitley Bay, and it's ten minutes from the north side of the Tyne Tunnel... just up the A19.

The load-in is a doddle.. straight off the street into the hall. Parking isn't tricky, but you might need to leave your car in adjacent street. Tea & coffee will be available.

As mentioned earlier, a couple of quid towards hall hire would be nice but optional.

So... what y'all bringing?

Edited by wateroftyne

Hi mate,

What goes on at a bass bash?

[quote]1) Who's up for it in principle?[/quote]
Yeah I would be. Assuming total beginners are welcome to come along and try to weasle information and tips out of you all.

[quote]2) Would you prefer a weekend afternoon or a weekday evening?[/quote]
I'd be easy on that one. Probably would choose a weekend afternoon just to make sure I could get there in time and not have to worry about when I finish work.

[quote]3) Would you be prepared to chip in - literally - a quid or two for hall hire?[/quote]
Sure thing.



[quote]What goes on at a bass bash?[/quote]

Your assumptions are correct!

It's basically a bass w@nkfest, where bass peeps of all levels get together, bring their stuff (if they have any - don't worry if you have nowt), we all try it out, we talk nonsense and argue about the finer points of nothing at all. They're great.

Don't worry - it's not about 'look how mint I am at playing teh BASE!'.. otherwise I'd be hiding at home. ;)

And, of course you're welcome.


Hahahaha, sounds good. I'd be unlikely to bring anything unless I happen to have bought a new bass by then - not embarassing myself by being seen in public with my current piece of sh*t. ;)

But my car has decent space in the back if anyone needed a hand transporting gear.

Posted (edited)

1) Who's up for it in principle?

Me ;)

2) Would you prefer a weekend afternoon or a weekday evening?

Either / or

3) Would you be prepared to chip in - literally - a quid or two for hall hire?

No worries.

I know a few guys over on Ginger Gits voiced interest so we can flag it up on there. As WoT said, it's just a chance to shoot the breeze and talk sh*te with like minded eejits. :P

Edited by warwickhunt

Don't care where, don't care when, I'm there. ;)

and EIGHT-don't worry about owning a piece of sh*t-I'm taking my old Vester (Warwick copy) along for Warwickhunt to try out and take the p*ss. :P :)


Well it just so happens, im in newcastle visiting my parents for a week from the 23rd feb, so if its around then ill definately be popping in, won t be able to bring my amp but ill bring a bass or two along and i dont mind chipping in a couple of quid for the room, let me know the dates lads.
all the best - lee
ps cant remember if it was bass octopus who wanted to try an eden head, if so if your there and want me to bring my wt 550 let me know!


Geordie Bassbash? with at least 3 of us Warwick'd up to the eyeballs it'll be too good to miss, i'll have to do some travelling to get back to my homeland but it'll be worth it, as at the moment im a Geordie in Pompey......... but in a year who knows i may have come back to my senses.


1) Who's up for it in principle?

[color="#0000FF"]Count me in, but the sooner you pick a date, the better, as with my diary at the moment I need at least three weeks notice.[/color]

2) Would you prefer a weekend afternoon or a weekday evening?

[color="#0000FF"]Weekend afternoon would suit me better and I'd have more chance of making it.[/color]

3) Would you be prepared to chip in - literally - a quid or two for hall hire?

[color="#0000FF"]No problems, I'm happy to pay a share.[/color]

4) Can we have a strict embargo on the number of Warwicks allowed in the room at anyone time?

[color="#0000FF"]Yes please, (ducks and runs whilst weaving to avoid thrown objects) :P[/color]

[color="#0000FF"]Warning: I may wear my [color="#FFA500"]basschat tee-shirt[/color], therefore the wearing of sunglasses may be advisory if not mandatory ;) :) [/color]


I'd certainly consider a jaunt down if the date is right. Afternoon is certainly better for me since the last train back up is around 9.30 IIRC.



I'm asking them to pencil in Sunday, March 1st, 2pm-5pm.

How do y'all feel about that?

And AARGH... of course, softy southerners are invited. It would be fab to meet you all.

HOWEVER... don't bring any of your wealth or tales of indoor toilets with you. It makes us nervous. ;)


[quote name='markytbass' post='384392' date='Jan 18 2009, 09:38 PM']Providing I've got a working car I'll come.

Have you got lecky up there yet or central heating, if not don't worry I'll bring an extra jumper.[/quote]

Log Fires, Imagination, and Willpower still I'm afraid......


[quote name='~tl' post='384448' date='Jan 18 2009, 10:22 PM']How hard is it to get to the venue from the centre of Newcastle?[/quote]

Not impossible but a Metro ride and then a bit of brown nosing with someone who has a car (hint below) wouldn't go amiss. ;)

[quote name='Eight' post='383415' date='Jan 17 2009, 05:40 PM']But my car has decent space in the back if anyone needed a hand transporting gear.[/quote]


You guys must have known that March 1st was my Birthday...Top marks!!!

Defo interested, but won't be able to confirm til nearer the time I'm afraid. Got no problem chipping the 'few quid' in either.


Did anyone notice this owld fella creeping in by the back door? ;)


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