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North East Bass Bash - SUNDAY MARCH 1ST

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[quote name='warwickhunt' post='384454' date='Jan 18 2009, 10:27 PM']Not impossible but a Metro ride and then a bit of brown nosing with someone who has a car (hint below) wouldn't go amiss. ;)[/quote]
Hahaha, no brown nosing required. The offer of transport is there for anyone who wants it.

March 1st looks good with me.


[quote name='Eight' post='384561' date='Jan 19 2009, 12:12 AM']Hahaha, no brown nosing required. The offer of transport is there for anyone who wants it.

March 1st looks good with me.[/quote]

Yep, March 1st good for me too. I'd be happy to give anybody a lift, though it'll depend on how many cabs the organisers want me to bring as to how much room there is in the car.

Posted (edited)

Hi all

It's confirmed - Sunday, March 1st, 2pm-5pm. The hall is nice and big, so bring your friends!

Seaton Delaval Arts Centre
Avenue Road
Seaton Delaval
NE25 0DU
[url="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=NE25+0DU&sll=55.073137,-1.525001&sspn=0.026683,0.062656&g=seaton+delaval%5D&ie=UTF8&ll=55.072311,-1.525919&spn=0.006671,0.015664&t=h&z=16&iwloc=addr"]clicky for map[/url]

It's not far from Blyth, Cramlington and Whitley Bay, and it's ten minutes from the north side of the Tyne Tunnel... just up the A19.

The load-in is a doddle.. straight off the street into the hall. Parking isn't tricky, but you might need to leave your car in adjacent street. Tea & coffee will be available.

As mentioned earlier, a couple of quid towards hall hire would be nice but optional.

So... what y'all bringing? ;)

Edited by wateroftyne

[quote name='wateroftyne' post='384793' date='Jan 19 2009, 11:14 AM']So... what y'all bringing? ;)[/quote]

Ok, well I'll bring my SWR750x and either one or two Goliath 4x10's or a Son of Bertha 1x15 (depends what the two 4x10s sound like together. Gigging them together for the first time in a couple of weeks).

Bass-wise I'll bring my Overwater J 5 and either a Fender Jazz V DLX or my home built P thing.

And as Mr Organiser has expressed an interest, I'll bring the PJB Bass Buddy along as well.


Fab stuff... I'll bring the usual:

'71 & '73 Precisions
'71 Fretless Precision
Mesa MPULSE 600
Mesa Walkabout Scout 112
Schroeder 410L (if I still have it)
And, just maybe... my new cabs. *raises eyebrow*

Don't forget, folks... if you know someone on BC or otherwise who might be up for it, let them know. Don't leave it for them to stumble across this thread!

Posted (edited)

Guys, on the parking thing, I work for P&G, on the same road as the arts centre. Parking can be a bit of a beggar on weekends, so I'll suss out how far a walk it is (it'll be no more than 5 mins), and for those not wanting to leave vehicles on streets, I may be able to swing the use of the P&G car park (security on hand etc). If this would suit please let me know, and I'll see if the HR team are OK with it. I know it'd be a pain unloading gear, then moving the car, but I'm guessing it'd be a useful thing.

Let me know folks

Edited by Hoppo75

[quote name='Hoppo75' post='385566' date='Jan 19 2009, 11:00 PM']Guys, on the parking thing, I work for P&G, on the same road as the arts centre. Parking can be a bit of a beggar on weekends, so I'll suss out how far a walk it is (it'll be no more than 5 mins), and for those not wanting to leave vehicles on streets, I may be able to swing the use of the P&G car park (security on hand etc). If this would suit please let me know, and I'll see if the HR team are OK with it. I know it'd be a pain unloading gear, then moving the car, but I'm guessing it'd be a useful thing.

Let me know folks[/quote]

Though I don't know the exact area in question it can't do any harm to have a back-up parking plan, nice one. ;)


[quote name='Hoppo75' post='385566' date='Jan 19 2009, 11:00 PM']Let me know folks[/quote]
Yeah I'll definitely be driving so if you and you're company can swing some easy parking then it'd be much appreciated by me.

Good thinking.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='Hoppo75' post='385566' date='Jan 19 2009, 11:00 PM']Guys, on the parking thing, I work for P&G, on the same road as the arts centre. Parking can be a bit of a beggar on weekends, so I'll suss out how far a walk it is (it'll be no more than 5 mins), and for those not wanting to leave vehicles on streets, I may be able to swing the use of the P&G car park (security on hand etc). If this would suit please let me know, and I'll see if the HR team are OK with it. I know it'd be a pain unloading gear, then moving the car, but I'm guessing it'd be a useful thing.

Let me know folks[/quote]
Thanks for the offer, but there's loads of parking in the streets aroundabout, and it'll be quite safe of a Sunday afternoon. Everyone will find a spot no problem.

P&G (Or 'Shultons' as we call it round our way ;)) is a bit of a hike.

Edited by wateroftyne

[quote name='skelf' post='385615' date='Jan 19 2009, 11:38 PM']Might try to come along if I have a bass to bring.

The more the merrier and to have a bass builder with some original examples would be great. Though I have to admit it 'might' upset Mrs WH as she knows that I've mentioned your basses once or twice... always a bad sign in our house when I mention a bass more than twice! ;)


[quote name='wateroftyne' post='386016' date='Jan 20 2009, 01:16 PM']I made a nice picture.


Well done Michael. It's nice to see they've started letting you use crayons again. ;) :P :)


[quote name='warwickhunt' post='385676' date='Jan 20 2009, 07:36 AM']The more the merrier and to have a bass builder with some original examples would be great. Though I have to admit it 'might' upset Mrs WH as she knows that I've mentioned your basses once or twice... always a bad sign in our house when I mention a bass more than twice! ;)[/quote]

The only bass I have at the moment is this one.
[url="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3185/2987193008_b47ecdcc5a.jpg"]Harlot R Type[/url]

But I am be able to finish another before March and I will try to find out if Peter can come along he has a 4 string Harlot.

I am in no way reasonable for marital discord and will run away and hide if any spouse talks hard at me.


[quote name='skelf' post='386104' date='Jan 20 2009, 02:11 PM']The only bass I have at the moment is this one.
[url="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3185/2987193008_b47ecdcc5a.jpg"]Harlot R Type[/url]

But I am be able to finish another before March and I will try to find out if Peter can come along he has a 4 string Harlot.

I am in no way reasonable for marital discord and will run away and hide if any spouse talks hard at me.[/quote]

Phew! That bass has the wrong ( :P ) number of strings so I'm safe. ;)


Am new to BC and playing bass (don't know the names of the notes yet !) but can make some interesting sounds.
This sounds a good event to me. What I lack in experience I can probably make up for in talking crap. :P
Looking forward to meeting some people who can 'play proper like'.
Will contribute to food & drink.
Shall I bring my £200 bass (OLP Stingray copy) I'm very proud of or will it just be embarassing/laughed at ? ;) I'm the sort of person who would bring it in a plastic carrier bag !


[quote name='truebassman' post='386730' date='Jan 20 2009, 09:01 PM']Shall I bring my £200 bass (OLP Stingray copy) I'm very proud of or will it just be embarassing/laughed at ? ;) I'm the sort of person who would bring it in a plastic carrier bag[/quote]
... Well thats it sorted then - there's no way I'm bringing my £50 bass if you're worried about being embarrassed about bringing a £200 Stingray copy. :P


Hey tigers!

It seems that we've secured the attendance of Dave Wilson. If you don't know Dave, he's a font of knowlege in all things bass. He's an incredible techie, luthier, repairer, does refins to die for, and is an all-round good guy.

He served his formative years at Overwater, and also finishes instruments for Stefan Sobell, who makes acoustic instruments that cost more than all our houses put together. So he must be good.

All the more reason to get yourselves along and chew the fat!

(...Dave isn't fat. It's just a figure of speech.)


[quote name='wateroftyne' post='388532' date='Jan 22 2009, 02:14 PM']All the more reason to get yourselves along and chew the fat!

(...Dave isn't fat. It's just a figure of speech.)[/quote]

Can we chew him anyway?


[quote name='leprechaun' post='388540' date='Jan 22 2009, 02:18 PM']Can we chew him anyway?[/quote]
Yes... I'm sure he'd like that.

Aaaaanyway... I've redone the poster. I got bored of the old one already.

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