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North East Bass Bash - SUNDAY MARCH 1ST

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Is that being too cheeky of me though? Its like ringing and asking them to work their day off. Or trying to slip through usual appointment/shop processes.

Of course, if they were happy to do it then I would expect to pay for their skills and time, but even so, I don't want to take the piss here and put people on the spot. ;)


[quote name='wateroftyne' post='418642' date='Feb 24 2009, 06:55 PM']It's those rugged good looks slowing you down. :P[/quote]

;) Rugged good looks, rapier wit, the wisdom that only comes with maturity, taste and charm... all qualities I lack! :)


Are we there yet? Are we? Are we?

Nearly time for the bassbashbosh, looking forward to it.

I'll be bringing,

Schroeder 21012'a'like
Overwater J 5
Home build P 5
Leads, cables, pedals and various other bits'n'bobs which clutter up my gig box

Was going to bring the SWR cabs but my back is still knacking from putting them away last weekend ;) and besides, the Schro'a'like is still in the boot from last night :P


[quote name='Eight' date='Feb 24 2009, 06:57 PM' post='418647']
Is that being too cheeky of me though? Its like ringing and asking them to work their day off. Or trying to slip through usual appointment/shop processes.

Yes that is being cheeky and you shall be rewarded for your cheek - I'll be happy to carry out a set-up unless Dave Wilson beats me to it. It would help to know what bass you have so that I can carry the right tools. I guess if you've bought it from HarryPotter it may be a Quidditch J-type fitted with Hogwart Super Slinkys? My usual rate will apply even though it will be a Sunday - the exception would be that it would be free if you were female and bore a striking resemblance to Elle McPherson. If however the resemblance was to Jodie Marsh I wouldn't touch it (apparently Ms. Marsh has many bruises on her body where men have indeed touched her with a 10 foot bargepole)

See you Sunday


[quote name='The Bass Doc' post='421223' date='Feb 27 2009, 06:52 PM']Yes that is being cheeky and you shall be rewarded for your cheek - I'll be happy to carry out a set-up unless Dave Wilson beats me to it. It would help to know what bass you have so that I can carry the right tools. I guess if you've bought it from HarryPotter it may be a Quidditch J-type fitted with Hogwart Super Slinkys?[/quote]
Hahahahah - close. Its a Cort Curbow 4. Which is pretty much the Nimbus 2000 (broom) of basses I think. :)

I don't think the strings need changing after all (for some reason they initially felt thicker but I'd only had the bass about two hours when I posted). But I would definitely like the string action lowering/tweaking.

[quote]My usual rate will apply even though it will be a Sunday - the exception would be that it would be free if you were female and bore a striking resemblance to Elle McPherson.[/quote]
Unless she's really let herself go in recent years then I'm afraid we're both out of luck and money will have to do. Plus I'm not female so would be a little worried about looking like Elle. :rolleyes:

Cheers mate. This is much appreciated.


[quote name='wateroftyne' post='383142' date='Jan 17 2009, 12:27 PM']

Hi all

The first Bass Bash of 2009 is confirmed - Sunday, March 1st, 2pm-5pm. The hall is nice and big, so bring your friends!

Seaton Delaval Arts Centre
Avenue Road
Seaton Delaval
NE25 0DU
[url="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=NE25+0DU&sll=55.073137,-1.525001&sspn=0.026683,0.062656&g=seaton+delaval%5D&ie=UTF8&ll=55.072311,-1.525919&spn=0.006671,0.015664&t=h&z=16&iwloc=addr"]clicky for map[/url]

It's not far from Blyth, Cramlington and Whitley Bay, and it's ten minutes from the north side of the Tyne Tunnel... just up the A19.

The load-in is a doddle.. straight off the street into the hall. Parking isn't tricky, but you might need to leave your car in adjacent street. Tea & coffee will be available.

As mentioned earlier, a couple of quid towards hall hire would be nice but optional.

So... what y'all bringing?[/quote]

I'm planning to be there as my band rehearsal has been cancelled. I know where Seaton Delaval is, I know the ice cream place - but not the Arts Centre.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='voodoobassman' post='421922' date='Feb 28 2009, 07:55 PM']I'm planning to be there as my band rehearsal has been cancelled. I know where Seaton Delaval is, I know the ice cream place - but not the Arts Centre.[/quote]
Its on Avenue Road (apparently), if that helps.

Edit: Lol. Sorry, I just noticed the post you quoted had the full address on anyway. I only read the flyer.

Edited by Eight

Providing I get my washing machine sorted out I'll bet there with Trace Elliot and Warwick flavored gear. Might even bring little Liamtbass along with me, he's just started playing in a band at school.

Posted (edited)

Great afternoon.. thanks to all for coming!

Special mention should be made to the one and only Dave Wilson of [url="http://www.dwilsonguitars.com/"]www.dwilsonguitars.com[/url] for a generous donation which ensured the afternoon was free entry.

Here's the photos, spread across the next few posts... feel free to put names to faces.

Dave Wilson (right) of [url="http://www.dwilsonguitars.com/"]www.dwilsonguitars.com[/url]:


Leprechaun's AMAZING early JV Precision. I loved this bass:

The Bass Doc's light relic P:

My stuff!

Edited by wateroftyne
Posted (edited)

Marcus's rig:

Craig discovering that Fenders RULE:

BossHog's monstrously good rig and STUNNING '66 J.


(JPJ's?) Overwater 5:

Edited by wateroftyne
Posted (edited)


Leprechaun's Manne 5-string:

The Bass Doc demonstrate how REAL men stack 60's vintage Fenders:

The Bass Doc's 60-something Jazz.

Warwickhunt's gear:

Edited by wateroftyne

Well done Michael, a cracking day!

Mind I think GAS has been prematurely induced in a few people. :rolleyes:

Unfortunately, my mate Craig (non-BassChatter, 3rd pic down on post #121) has been swayed to the dark side and despite my best efforts has decided that his first bass will be... a Fender! :) No accounting for taste! :D

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