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Darkglass / NeuralDSP moving into hardware???? UPDATE: The Quad Cortex

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18 minutes ago, Owen said:



I kind of run scared from this stuff because a friend traded a nice black Gibson 335 many years ago for whatever the latest rack mount Digitech (IIRC) thing was. Of course the Digitech was worth next to nothing 4 years later. I know that the technology is not the same. I know that the business model is built on developing and tweaking. So given the kit I can shift I can afford one. And yet, I am nervous.




Gregor has not helped.



Due to lockdown and covid and all the other nonsense that the last few years have brought me, my journey with QC has been a slow burner. It's not getting out to nearly as many gigs as I'd hoped. However, we've bonded and I'm really enjoying the unit. For the most part I have it on a cool laptop /iPad stand and it makes for a brilliant desktop processor. The form factor works for me given the touch screen and rotary foot switches. I know that I can put it straight down on the floor again and away I go. 

I am still a massive Helix fan and all of the units available are superb. The LT was my "best fit" at the time and it did many gigs with me. QC, for my needs, physically is a better match for me, though I do miss some of the effects, amp sims and functionality of LT. Sometimes I'm a bit frustrated that QC doesn't do something I have become accustomed to. But then QC can do a whole bunch of stuff that Helix couldn't too, so, its about finding what is your best fit - much like players choosing the DAW they like best, or strings, or IEMs!


Now, since Gregor is holding an Attitude bass in the thumbnail, I'm off to go listen to that :)

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6 minutes ago, fretmeister said:

The drop in value of kit that I like doesn't bother me.

If I've kept something for years then chances are I really enjoyed using it. The drop in value is just the cost of that enjoyment.


And even when it drops or a new thing comes out - the item sounds the same today as it did before.


I'd really like the try the QC - but I'm waiting until they do the firmware upgrade that will allow the Neural plugins to be run on it. Then I'll decide whether to spend the money.. which TBH is likely to clash with my kids being at university so I might not have any money anyway!


I've been trying to get the QC to sound like a chain I created in the Cory Wong plug in last night, so I would love to see the individual "plug-in unique" effects dropped in to QC too.

1 hour ago, fretmeister said:

which TBH is likely to clash with my kids being at university so I might not have any money anyway!

I have already felt your pain!

1 hour ago, fretmeister said:

The drop in value of kit that I like doesn't bother me.

That is a healthy attitude. And one I should adopt. But all my gear buying and selling over all the years has been virtually cost neutral given that it is a market I actually know very well. So diving into bass kit which will inevitably depreciate is a bit counter intuative for me. I fund the next thing by selling one of the present things. If the next thing depreciates then I cannot sell it to get the next, next thing.


I seriously need to get out more.

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