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Tele bass pickups


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[size=3]Hi Chris,

Interesting thread…

Telebass is spot on in his assessment.

My Squire VM Telebass TEB101 pickup has two coils around 11-12KOhms each wired in Hum-bucking mode, I have read elsewhere on the net over the years that the original 70's Tele pickups was a bit hotter towards 30K Ohms in total.

The pick up has 8 pole pieces, four on top four below, I also have had mixed results removing the underside pole pieces, and actually the sound was better with all 8 in place.

I contacted Hammon Engineering in the U.S about a Darkstar replacement, which was $208 +p&p, plus would involve minor cavity routing (and at the current exchange rate I'm not going down that route.) The don’t often come up for resale ( I guess that’s because they’re so good)

I find my pickup unusable even with lots of treble and middle on my amp, It’s too muddy, lacks definition and has limited scope for tone control .

I have just sent the pickup to Andy at wizard for assessment; hopefully he can 'tame' the beast and get me a sound more akin to a P90 or single coil.
I have generally has issues with hum-bucking pickups for bass, but that’s another topic.

I'll let you know the outcome.

Regards Neil[/size]

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