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Dano 63 Long Scale


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Just wondering if anyone out there has bought or got their hands on one of these yet. I ordered one from Thomman but the order kept getting pushed back so I cancelled.

Mulling over whether to get one or not - makes a nice change from the Fender or Fender based instruments I've been into of late.

Certainly the review on Bass Player TV on sonic grounds makes it a must.

The looks are not to everyones taste but if it sounds that good who cares I say......

Two octaves - light as a feather and £199 or so - you can't really go wrong/

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Fat Mike from NoFX uses various DC's. I think that's almost praise enough.

I was looking at one, I'm put off by the slab body and the Dano headstock, they do look the business though.

Edit: I see they're no longer on the Dano site and they've got a copper Longhorn back this year...mmm, tasty.

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