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Hi Folks,
I couldn't find a lot of actual help regarding my problem, so a new thread it is.

I bought the '73 with an added J, frome Neil. It came with Seymour Duncan Quaterpounders (P and J) but thats not my sound. I bought a set of Wizard P(the 84) and J(the Thumper) pickups.

The problem, I'm getting less volume and tone, as soon as I roll in the J-pickup. Everything is wirred perfectly and according too Andy it's not the difference in output.
That story sticks 'cause the SD set does the same thing, eventhough the J has more "output"
We've tried the options he could think off.

The stats.:
Old Seymour (quater pounder) set up:
Jazz +/- 14 K
P +/- 12 K

New Wizard set up:
Jazz +/- 10 k
P +/- 14 k

Anyone had the same problem and what in the world could the solution be?

Who can help?



I have a P/J with the Quarter pounders in it and winding the J in doesn't cause any drop off at all.
They're wired so that there is only a Volume for each pickup and that's it.

How are yours wired to the pots, etc?


Sounds like a phase cancellation problem. I know you said it's wired perfectly, but I'd try swapping the positive and negative leads on the Jazz pickup (only). I suspect that's the first thing Andy suggested though.

Posted (edited)

I've tried swapping the leads, no luck there


It is and was wired the way it's shown on the Seymour D site.

Edited by astar

I have noticed in the past with basses of this configuration that if one starts with just the neck pick-up on, rolling in the bridge pick-up gives a perceived drop in volume simply because the tone changes from the typical hard P-bass tone to a smoother tone. But the volume difference is only in one's brain, checking the signal through a VU meter reveals no drop in output at all. Is this possibly what you are experiencing?


Is this my old bass? If so, the bridge PUP is extremely close to the bridge. The strings simply don't vibrate as much at that point as they do further from the bridge. Although it wasn't a problem for me, even with an overwound JPUP in that position the output was always considerably lower than the PPUP. The upside is that you get a much tighter and snarlier tone with the PUP closer to the bridge


Indeed it is/was dear sir and an amazing bass it is, some refreshment of the soldering and bridge adjustment the whole lot and just a few small things left.

The pickup however is something too think about. Indeed it's close to the bridge, that however adds to the referred tightness and snarl, teh way I want/like it.

@bassman2790: Thats not the problem there is a real loss of volume and tone, I've received one more tip I'm going to give a go.

I'll post whatever the outcome is

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