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NBD: Cheapie Spector content.


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Well, I was lying in bed at the weekend and put in a cheeky eBay bid on this and it came home for 350 post-Brexit pounds.

After I sold on my Waterstone, I still had a hankering for an eight or twelve.  So it's a Korean Spector eight string...the jack socket was a bit loose (fixed), put on a new set of fundamentals and stuck it through the dUg earlier.  It sounds huge, amazing really.  I'm sure it'll be on new Lutz stuff.




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Had a bit of a noodle...pleasantly surprised.  Neck is very comfortable.

Only a couple of things; would have liked the tone knobs to have had a centre-notch as they have a +/-12db boost/cut, so it's not easy to hit a flattish position, or too easy to just boost everything.

Will probably shim the neck when I change the strings.  Action is 2 or 3 mm at the octave.  Can't drop the bridge any lower and I do love a rattly action.

Pickups are fine; Output more than adequate (actually dropped them a few mm).


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