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Garageband help?


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Well, I thought I had it all sussed.

Recorded a few little bits with the now functioning Sonic Port and thought - I can really get some stuff down while the band can’t rehearse.

These are little basic 2 minute demos, no big production numbers.

Set everything up, signal, recording, add the little drum loops in - which are really handy.

Then it happens...

Press record 1/2/3”pop”/gap/4 - recording half way through the first bar

Sometimes make it through the first two bars, sometimes 1 bar...sometimes get a full take and it flips the end off the take.

Its almost like it stutters, not really that handy when you’re trying to be creative.

As you can imagine it’s turning the air blue, and being a bit of a technophobe it’s stopping me in my tracks.

It didn’t do it when I was working on little things last week - just getting reacquainted with it - managed 2/3 recordings with loops and Line 6’s amp modelling running.

I thought last night it was because the phone had gone into battery saving mode.

But no, on full charge today, it persists.

The Iphone is and XR on latest 13.4ios.

I suppose I could delete GarageBand and reinstall.

It did do this before ios13 rendered the sonic port useless in October time.

I wondered if anyone else had experienced it, or if I can change settings/do something better or different.

Google doesn’t seem to throw anything obviously similar to my issue so I thought I’d ask here.

At this juncture I’m wondering if the iPad version might be better - although it’s an expensive “what if”.

I know other programs etc are available, but I like the “all in one box” neatness of GB with its drum loop packs etc.

Thanks if anyone can help.

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Unfortunately im not that good with GB, although i can find my way around it. Sounds more like a iOS issue though. First steps would be to re start the phone. Maybe delete GB and re install.

Could also be the interface. when i use a certain interface with my ipad it causes all manor of hang ups and stuttering. Not so with with 2i2 though. Have you tried using the built in mic? just wondering if that helps, although obviously not the answer. It might show where the fault is coming from.

It does seem to be running ok on my XS Max, and even my sons 6S.


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1 minute ago, AndyTravis said:

Yeah the line 6 issue has been ongoing for months.

Just going to buy another - @walshysaid his focusrite scarlet worked well. Will have a look


I’ve just started using my Scarlett 2i2 with my new iPad and I’m amazed how well it works, doesn’t even need a psu as it’s bus powered. 
I hope you get it sorted. This should be our most creative time. 

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Dunno, who? 😂

Although I like to dabble in GB, last year I brought a cheap Zoom R8. Basically a digital portastudio. Proper sliders and built in drum machine, basic amp sims etc. Not bad for £140. I thought it would be easier to use than using my iPad. In a way it is, it’s more immediate, but it seems really strange using something that isn’t connected to the rest of the world. A bit old skool 

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14 minutes ago, dave_bass5 said:

Dunno, who? 😂

Although I like to dabble in GB, last year I brought a cheap Zoom R8. Basically a digital portastudio. Proper sliders and built in drum machine, basic amp sims etc. Not bad for £140. I thought it would be easier to use than using my iPad. In a way it is, it’s more immediate, but it seems really strange using something that isn’t connected to the rest of the world. A bit old skool 

I used to use Yamaha MD8s MiniDisc multi trackers in college and really fancied one...nostalgia reasons.

But really. I just want to work with this stuff - get used to it and hopefully upscale.

The interface was problematic from the start.

If my mate gets back to me and saves me a few quid on a Scarlett, I can get an iPad through a mate who works at Apple...so...still spendy, but a bit cheaper.


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2 minutes ago, AndyTravis said:

I used to use Yamaha MD8s MiniDisc multi trackers in college and really fancied one...nostalgia reasons.

But really. I just want to work with this stuff - get used to it and hopefully upscale.

The interface was problematic from the start.

If my mate gets back to me and saves me a few quid on a Scarlett, I can get an iPad through a mate who works at Apple...so...still spendy, but a bit cheaper.


Blimey, you have mates in all the right places lol.

Last week i got a 2020 iPad Pro 12.9”. Not a huge step up from my existing 2017 model, but some nice improvements none the less. I kept running you out of space on my 64GB, so was intending to get something with more space. Sitting around all day got the better of me so I dug out a credit card and hit the buy button. No regrets. 


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23 minutes ago, dave_bass5 said:

Blimey, you have mates in all the right places lol.

Last week i got a 2020 iPad Pro 12.9”. Not a huge step up from my existing 2017 model, but some nice improvements none the less. I kept running you out of space on my 64GB, so was intending to get something with more space. Sitting around all day got the better of me so I dug out a credit card and hit the buy button. No regrets. 


Both ex employees of the music shop I worked at. One went to manage an Apple store and one went off to design synths for a living.

i work with angry teenagers...no bass companies were looking for full time bass testers at that point...

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Just now, ambient said:

Sounds like you’re using too much cpu. Are you using a lot of plugins? You can freeze tracks that you’ve already recorded, that converts them to audio clips and removes the plugins, it reduces cpu usage.

No nothing - even does it without using any “nice room” or whatever base effect garage band applies.

i did switch off the line 6 plug ins. Thinking this would help.

But like I said earlier in the thread, two days prior to me completely losing my sh*t - it worked absolutely faultlessly even with loads of plug ins etc. And I’m not doing anything differently...

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2 minutes ago, ambient said:

You haven’t updated any software recently?

Well. Ios13 was the death of the line6 sonic port in Oct/Nov.

I got wind that 13.4 was going to sort it.

and magically - it did. For a day or two.

The clipping/stuttering was happening before the ios13 debacle though. So I nearly did an excitement wee wee when it worked flawlessly after 13.4.

2 days later...back to shitesville.

Get a neat little riff, want to develop it - spend all time battling clunky tech issues - give up, fume, repeat.

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I almost brought Cubasis 3 a while ago, until I saw it’s £32. They are having a laugh. 

I did recently buy an audio app called Hokusai 2. That coast £10. I wanted an app that allowed me to trim out sections of long wav files. Not just split them like Gb can do. We record all our rehearsals and gigs, and normally I’d sit at my desktop Pc and do it in Audition, but I’m doing my best to be more couch based. It’s a really good app, loads of built in effects and some nice pro effects, but I’d still go for GB for multitrack stuff. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update on this - It’s the Line 6 wire between the interface and phone, or the interface itself.

even listening to Spotify through it (if I can’t find my iPhone headphones) it does the same thing.

fuming - the cable is £69, and if I’m not 100% sure - I’m just going to buy a new interface for £30 or whatever and try that.

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I hate those devices that have a proprietary connection. Ive got a few devices that I can’t use because I’ve lost the cables, but the cost to replace them is too much. 
The more standard usb-c port on my iPad Pro was one of the big reasons I upgraded. 

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