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[quote name='51m0n' post='424142' date='Mar 3 2009, 02:30 PM']You see once again you try and say one thing and I'm pretty sure I'm hearing a different meaning here.

I [b]think[/b] you are trying to say how much U2 have done to extend the canon of popular music, and yet the list you give of influenced bands is one that corresponds exactly to my list of thoroughly overrated drivel.

Wow, thats scarily accurate....

So if I liked U2 I might like Coldplay and Radiohead, or Snow Patrol?

Damned glad I am where I am on this one then!


No, if you like U2, Coldplay, Radiohead and Snow Patrol then your life would be so much better because you would luurrrvve Treacle Tart. :rolleyes: :D


[quote name='51m0n' post='424142' date='Mar 3 2009, 02:30 PM']You see once again you try and say one thing and I'm pretty sure I'm hearing a different meaning here.

I [b]think[/b] you are trying to say how much U2 have done to extend the canon of popular music, and yet the list you give of influenced bands is one that corresponds exactly to my list of thoroughly overrated drivel.

Wow, thats scarily accurate....

So if I liked U2 I might like Coldplay and Radiohead, or Snow Patrol?

Damned glad I am where I am on this one then!


You and me both mate. :) :rolleyes:


[quote name='Rayman' post='424128' date='Mar 3 2009, 02:13 PM']It doesn't matter.........all of this...................

Some music you like, some you don't, doesn't mean it's crap if you don't, it just means you don't like it.

Why all the antagonism??

U2 are a good band, who 1000s of people around the world like, and 1000s of others don't. Who gives a sh*t either way???

I like cheese, but I don't like rice pudding. Does that mean all rice pudding is sh*t?

Music is music, and it's diverse and fantastic, whatever the genre, and whoever made it. You might not like it, but someone else does. All music is great, that's why we're all musicians no??[/quote]
I tried saying something similar about 1000 pages ago & got roundly ignored. It's getting less like a debate and more like a playground scuffle the longer it goes on.
Oh, and treacle tart kicks the living sh*t out of rice pudding.


First it's "you can't make a negative post about my favorite band!!" then it's "you can't say what I can and can't post!!" then it's "just stop posting for god's sake, I stopped posting myself ages ago!!"

What's next? "STFU, I want to tell MYSELF not to post!!"


[quote name='Toadonroll' post='424163' date='Mar 3 2009, 02:47 PM']Q: What's the only thing in the whole world more boring than U2?

A: A Basschat thread about U2.


Step aside people, your work here is done. Nothing to see...[/quote]

Fair point.

I shall try to resist any further participation. :D :)


[quote name='BigBeefChief' post='424166' date='Mar 3 2009, 02:50 PM']f***ing Radiohead. Now they are sh*t.[/quote]

Anyone who rates Oasis over Radiohead has probably been punched in the head too many times.


[quote name='51m0n' post='424121' date='Mar 3 2009, 02:08 PM']He asked me who I thought was a great band, he didnt ask for any more than that.

The Funk Brothers were a great band.

They were responsible for all the musical hooks played on a gazillion sold albums.

Where did anyone state they needed to be anything other than a house band?

I stand by my point regarding what they did to extend the canon of popular music. Compared to which U2 have frankly done virtually nothing (IMO).

As for "how many records did they sell when their record company and all it's artists upped and left for LA? ", well thats just part of the criminal neglect they got as the musicians responsible for putting those songs out. Jamerson invented the basslines, no one wrote them out note for note for instance. So, yeah a lot of people put their creativity into them, and I would rather everyone involved had got what they deserved to out of the success; I dont believe that that happened, but I also believe that that doesn't actually detract from the importance and significance of The Funk Brothers in any way.[/quote]

I totally accept that the Funk Brothers didn't get the credit they deserved, but I don't even think there's one song you can point to and say that it was written by them. Yes, Jamerson's basslines were his creation, but within the framework of the song he was given. I suppose it would be fair to say that they brought the songs to life, or gave them the vitality they had.

My point however was that taking the sales comparison between records that the Funk Brothers played on and U2's sales figures was not an even field as the Funk Brothers were not the sole creative force at work or indeed the artist on the sleeve who the punters bought into whereas U2 are (with the exception of a couple of tracks).

I don't for one second deny the Funk Brothers contribution to music. The difference between us is that even if I don't particularly like some types of music, I don't dismiss their contribution to music simply because of my taste.

However you (or anyone) feels about U2, it is just patently ridiculous to suggest they have contributed "virtually nothing" to music from anything other than a totally subjective, and therefore flawed, standpoint. Yes, you can qualify it by saying "IMO" but if you make the statement preceeding it as though it is fact, if you talk about "the canon of music" rather than simply the music you happen to appreciate, you can't expect people not to get a bit peeved by it.

Are you unable to make an objective (or at least as objective as possible) evaluation of U2?

Can you not see how The Edge has been a huge influence in the way the guitar is used in popular music (however uninspired you may find his playing to be)?

Or that, even though you remain unmoved, their songs have touched millions or people's lives positively?

Or that bands like Coldplay, Elbow, Keane, The Killers etc. (even if you don't like them) have been massively influenced by U2 and as a result popular music's evolution post U2 has been affected by U2 (even if you don't see that affect as a positive)?

I'm not particularly a fan of the Beatles, or the Stones, or Led Zepplin but I'd be an idiot not to acknowledge that a lot of what came after them exists because of them.

[quote name='51m0n' post='424124' date='Mar 3 2009, 02:10 PM']overrate
v overrate [əuvəˈreit]
to think that something is better, stronger, more valuable etc than it really is

No argument from me on that one.....[/quote]

I didn't suggest we couldn't find a dictionary definition of it, I said we wouldn't be able to get 100% aggreement as to what being overrated (within the context of this discussion) is exactly - i.e. is it record sales, artistic merit, peer opinion, critical opinion, public opinion, influence, etc.? Some combination? How much of each? - and even if we could decide, how do we then measure?

In the end it'll only ever be opinion and to say a particular band is overrated in your own opinion seems odd. Surely you rate a band at exactly where you think they should be rated and if you mean overrated by other people, then surely you're then suggesting that your opinion is somehow more important than those other people and isn't that, in effect, overrating yourself? Unless your opinion only matters more to yourself, in which case, why inflict it on the rest of us? lol


[quote name='liamcapleton' post='422169' date='Mar 1 2009, 04:06 AM']...it does get my wick a bit when people put forward something as fact when it is simply their own opinion.

..have written timeless songs...[/quote]

Would that be a fact, or your own opinion? :)


[quote name='BigBeefChief' post='424166' date='Mar 3 2009, 02:50 PM']f***ing Radiohead. Now they are sh*t.[/quote]

Everything they've done since The Bends has been.... :)


[quote name='Linus27' post='424233' date='Mar 3 2009, 03:40 PM']I think Girls Aloud are better than The Spice Girls.[/quote]

+1 :)

Posted (edited)

[quote name='Linus27' post='424105' date='Mar 3 2009, 01:48 PM']You do know that that story is actually false and is a joke based on the Make Poverty History advert where stars are seen clicking their fingers.[/quote]

Yes, I did. :) It's a joke. Kind of like:

Q: Why did Bono fall off the stage?
A: He was too close to The Edge.

BTW, did someone mention The Ramones?

Tread gently...

Edited by skankdelvar

[quote name='skankdelvar' post='424390' date='Mar 3 2009, 06:46 PM']Yes, I did. :) It's a joke. Kind of like:

Q: Why did Bono fall off the stage?
A: He was too close to The Edge.[/quote]


I bumped into Bono the other day. He was out shopping for the Edge's birthday present. I asked him how he was getting on and he said "I still haven't found what I'm looking for".


[b][u][size=3]It's official[/size][/u][/b]

[u][b]U2 only 1/2 as good as Take That[/b][/u]

[b][i]"The group's 12th album No Line on the Horizon sold 64,698 copies on its first day on sale"
"Last December, Take That sold 133,000 albums on day one"[/i][/b]
Quotes from Music Week taken from [url="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/7921583.stm"]HERE[/url]

So, there you have it...Now, let that be an end to it! :)


Posted (edited)

Little known fact. Bono almost gave up the Music business when someone threw a plastic duck at him at a concert, he has a little known aversion to all things ducks. it's called something like thuckaduckphobia or something.

Edited by beerdragon
Posted (edited)

[quote name='P-T-P' post='423658' date='Mar 2 2009, 09:00 PM']See, this is where I have a bit of a problem, 'cause the "rag" on his head bore a graphoc of the word "coexist" with the c represented by a crescent, the x by a star of david and the t by a cross. He put it on during the song "Bullet the Blue Sky" and was making a point about the futility of war. He didn't ask you to donate [b][i]anything[/i][/b] to charity at all. The "rant" lasted about a minute and the number he asked you to text was simply to sign up to the concept of "Make Poverty History." a campaign which is largely funded by his "tax free" money.

I've no problem if you don't agree with any of his politics, and maybe it's inclusion made the show less than you would have liked it to be, but you say you didn't pay to see a preacher and in fairness there was a whole 2+ hours of concert surrounding that brief detour.

As for the £75 ticket. The majority of the tickets to those UK gigs were priced at £40 and even those £75 tickets were cheaper than every other big tour of that time.

A wider question, to everyone who has a problem with the money side of U2 and uses it as a knock against them - why is it not okay for a band to make money?[/quote]

The rant lasted alot longer than that. .. It wasn't a brief detour. Campaign?? Sign up?? (it's that martyr thing again''gimme yer money'') Metallica to name just one band were cheaper..and better.
I've no problem with any band making money ..I've been to hundereds of gigs and never had to listen to a jimmy swaggart type

begger telling us to give money.(Text messages cost money..ask Simon Cowell)
Most professional artists don't need to treat their audience to such drivel. They just put on a damn good show.

I wonder if he'll put the rag on his head and start begging again when they tour here . Is he aware of the recession??
Oh well, I 'm keeping out of this topic now coz I had my rant and can only take so much of this band anyway ciao :)


[quote name='SteveK' post='424403' date='Mar 3 2009, 07:04 PM'][b][u][size=3]It's official[/size][/u][/b]

[u][b]U2 only 1/2 as good as Take That[/b][/u]

[b][i]"The group's 12th album No Line on the Horizon sold 64,698 copies on its first day on sale"
"Last December, Take That sold 133,000 albums on day one"[/i][/b]
Quotes from Music Week taken from [url="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/7921583.stm"]HERE[/url]

So, there you have it...Now, let that be an end to it! :)


Can I make it be known that I am guilty of being 1 of those 133,000 who bought the Take That albums but it was for my sister. However, I am not being guilty of being one of the 64,698 who bought the new U2 album as I don't like it.


[quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' post='424464' date='Mar 3 2009, 08:03 PM']The rant lasted alot longer than that. .. It wasn't a brief detour. Campaign?? Sign up?? (it's that martyr thing again''gimme yer money'') Metallica to name just one band were cheaper..and better.
I've no problem with any band making money ..I've been to hundereds of gigs and never had to listen to a jimmy swaggart type

begger telling us to give money.(Text messages cost money..ask Simon Cowell)
Most professional artists don't need to treat their audience to such drivel. They just put on a damn good show.

I wonder if he'll put the rag on his head and start begging again when they tour here . Is he aware of the recession??
Oh well, I 'm keeping out of this topic now coz I had my rant and can only take so much of this band anyway ciao :)[/quote]

First, I was there, it wasn't a huge long rant. He spoke a little about the "Make Poverty History" campaign and asked people who agreed with it's principle to text in as a way of signing the petition.

Second, the text messages cost nothing over and above the standard network rate. There was no profit being made, plus, if you did happen to text in, your name was put up on the screens during the show.

Third, as a result of the campaign, which also included Live 8 and numerous other associated activities, millions of extra children are in school in the developing world. Millions more people are getting the drugs that mean instead of dying of AIDS they are living with HIV as productive members of society and their kids are able to be kids instead of having to fend for themselves as orphans.

I'm sorry that the brief moments it took to encourage other people to help make this little bit of goodness in the world a reality put such a crimp in your life.

If he does pull out the rag again, make sure you haven't bothered to turn up to the show, I'm sure the band won't weep about you not being there.

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