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See this is why I want to get my own little Logic/Macbook setup!

I've used a Focusrite pre into Cubase SX for about a year now for any little recording projects I've had on!
It's been alright, but tonight it just stopped working.....
...the preamp is registering the guitar input, but the signal is nowhere to be seen in Cubase!!!

It was fine one minute, then gone another!!

Whats the point....just work all the time!!

Any ideas?



[quote name='Sibob' post='422728' date='Mar 1 2009, 10:13 PM']Any ideas?[/quote]

Open the last project that worked properly, save it as something else, then delete all the audio.

Sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn't. Haven't used Cubase in a while but when the I/O configuration of ProTools goes funny, sometimes that works.


Yeah I already tried opening up an older project that worked!!

What is bizarre is that the project that I had open was working, messing about with some guitar amp plugins, but then Cubase suddenly didn't want to know.



could possibly be an overheating issue in the Pre? Google if it has a reset procedure or similar.

Ive just got a leixon unit which is fantastic but a funking rediculous design. Some of the cables inside where placed to close to some very hot FET modules and actually melted and shorted. No long term damage but lots of resets before i worked out what had gone on and sorted it all out with two tie-wraps!


Have you got the Focusright input selected in the Cubase mixer channel? [ L/R or stereo ]
Sometimes that goes tits up.
Under options, is it showing up there?
Driver issue?
Or even a new rogue plug in.
If has been working ok of late, i am sure it is something simple.



If it's working for one file but not for an other, then it's how you're setting up your new file. You have to select the right device, then set up the inputs and outputs, and then set your audio channels to the right input and outputs.


Thanks for your input (no pun intended) guys!
Think it just turned out to be a dodgy phono cable between the Focusrite and the computer!
Seems ok now!


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