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Posted (edited)

I'm getting the urge to find a jazz bass and as well as Sadowsky I'm considering a Lakland one.

I tried out a Skyline at the Bass Merchant a few weeks ago and it seemed pretty damn good, has anybody got any advice about if the USA versions are really worth the extra cash? I've not had the opportunity to play one so it's all academic to me :)

Thanks in advance


EDIT: note to self: search the forums first you lazy sod - found a fair bit of info already, feel free to ignore this stupid question :rolleyes:

Edited by Legion

In my opinion, there is a massive difference btw the Skyline and the USA instruments, certainly enough to justify the price gap.

however, with the Sadowsky Metro and the NYC much less so......

Having just purchased a Metro I believe they are the very best VFM Super J you can buy




I'd say my 44-02 Skyline plays and sounds just as good as JohnnyLightyears/Molans NYC Sadowsky which I had for a decent length of time.


Isn't it just the NYC Sads that are routed out?

Having owned a Sadowsky Metro and both US and Skyline Laklands I'd go with what Marcus says. If you want a lightweight Sadowsky though I think you may need to go NYC.



I was watching an interview with Roger Sadowsky, he was saying that some of his customers claimed that the chambered bodies had a better sound than the non-chambered bodies, but I think in the case of the Sadowsky's I would have thought a large part of the tone was to do with the Sadowsky preamp.


[quote name='GreeneKing' post='424515' date='Mar 3 2009, 09:01 PM']Isn't it just the NYC Sads that are routed out?

Having owned a Sadowsky Metro and both US and Skyline Laklands I'd go with what Marcus says. If you want a lightweight Sadowsky though I think you may need to go NYC.


My RS4 59Burst is light as a feather.....

Posted (edited)

[quote name='Marcus' post='424569' date='Mar 3 2009, 09:54 PM']My RS4 59Burst is light as a feather.....[/quote]

Yeah so is my RV5...Very comfortable..

If you can pull it from my kungfu grip

Edited by bubinga5

If I wanted or needed a light bass I think I'd be enquiring if a UK luthier could build a chambered swamp ash bodied bass. Failing that it'd be NYC and Roger Sadowsky methinks.

That all means waiting of course. Otherwise it's that 2nd hand market again. A special bass, that's the answer imo :)

Get a bass made for YOU Alan :rolleyes:

You'll not look back.



Jon Shuker will build you a custom super-J for much less than you'd pay for a Sadowsky or Lakland. Under four figures, probably.

I don't have any of his basses, but this place is full of satisfied customers. :)


There's plenty of basses passing through here at the mo - and I'm looking at some nice Jazz 5 Deluxes but I'd have to sell something first and that ain't easy at the moment. Who knows I might treat myself after my holiday, I'm in 3 bands so I think I can justify another sortee into the market.


[quote name='Marcus' post='424569' date='Mar 3 2009, 09:54 PM']My RS4 59Burst is light as a feather.....[/quote]

I'm really kicking myself for not trying your bass on Sunday. :)

Another time maybe! :rolleyes:


There is a difference between the Skylines and the US series, but imho a well set up Skyline is 9.5 out of 10 on the scoresheet and I can't justify spending another wheelbarrow full of money on a US version for that tiny .5 bit more to get the full 10 out of 10

The US and Skyline Laklands are fantastic basses with excellent customer support, but as someone has pointed out a custom build Shuker is very very tempting.


I've owned both and there is a big difference IMHO. That said, I'd rather have two Skylines than one USA. For a bit of light relief, here's the one's I've owned in pornographic form...(no prizes for guessing which is the USA one) :)


[quote name='Marcus' post='424504' date='Mar 3 2009, 08:52 PM']In my opinion, there is a massive difference btw the Skyline and the USA instruments, certainly enough to justify the price gap.

however, with the Sadowsky Metro and the NYC much less so......

Having just purchased a Metro I believe they are the very best VFM Super J you can buy



Bang on!

You wont be disappointed with a Skyline but I found the US models to be absolutely spot on in every aspect.


Oh dear - this is confusing me even more I think! Ultimately I want just one bass so maybe it better be a Lakland USA or Sadowsky Metro eh. I'll have visit the Bass Gallery very soon and try out whatever they have I think.

Thanks for all the discussion though, keep it coming.


Trouble is, the US ones are scarce as hens teeth by comparison with the Skylines. Don't know of anywhere that stocks the US models and would be suprised if the Gallery has any.


[quote name='Platypus' post='425092' date='Mar 4 2009, 02:14 PM']Trouble is, the US ones are scarce as hens teeth by comparison with the Skylines. Don't know of anywhere that stocks the US models and would be suprised if the Gallery has any.[/quote]

You are totally correct there...I rung the gallery today and they have a Sadowsky RV4 and UV70 in stock. Lakland-wise they have a JO Skyline I can try, but thats about all. I have been offered a good price on a USA JO model by bass Central but I hate buying blind so dunno what move to make next.

I'm getting scared about selling the Sterling lol



[quote name='Legion' post='425138' date='Mar 4 2009, 03:00 PM']You are totally correct there...I rung the gallery today and they have a Sadowsky RV4 and UV70 in stock. Lakland-wise they have a JO Skyline I can try, but thats about all. I have been offered a good price on a USA JO model by bass Central but I hate buying blind so dunno what move to make next.

I'm getting scared about selling the Sterling lol


Think a few days in the Florida sunshine is called for :)


i have USA Laklands and Skylines...
and i have to say,i much prefer the skylines...for the money youre getting a world class bass..
plus if it gets stolen or damaged on tour you wont have a big dent in your wallet trying to replace it..

also,speak to Dan at Lakland..im sure they can source out a light-weight bass for you...they made me my white DJ4 light-weight as ive just had major surgery on my spine...

sum them up in 3 words..."theyre the bollox"


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